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 (3)_________________,奚惆怅而独悲? _________________,知来者之可追。




1、积极参加大扫除,废物放入垃圾箱 2、主动问候师长并帮助做事 3、排队等候,为老年人让座

注意:1、文章开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数。 2、报道须包括要求的内容,词数:120左右。 The activity of being a good student and good citizen has been held since the beginning of this term in our school. Everybody has taken an active part in it.

One possible version: The activity of being a good student and good citizen has been held since the beginning of this term in our school. Everybody has taken an active part in it. In the past, we didn’t have the habit of keeping our classroom and campus tidy and even threw waste anywhere. We weren’t polite enough to our teachers and sometimes forgot to greet them. While doing some shopping or waiting for a bus, some of us jumped the queue instead of obeying the rules. But now everyone is willing to do cleaning and sort the waste before throwing it into dustbins. Everybody has respect for our teachers and helps them with something. In public places, we try to wait in line and offer seats to the old on the bus. What great changes have taken place! We do hope every student can keep it up


15.Exhausted, I     (溜)into bed and fell fast asleep.    

第五题 短文改错 (共10题每题1.5)

Our four-years-old son came into the house         1.______

proudly to showed me a caterpillar(毛毛虫)that was    2.______

crawling up his arm. Trying hard to hiding my        3.______

nauseating feeling(掩饰我的恶心), I said, "Mark,       4.______

why don't you take them back outside .Its mother       5.______

will be looking for it, but it will miss its mother. "     6.______

I was feeling rather pleasing at the way I had       7.______

handled the situation. And a few minutes           8.______

later Mark returned back to the house with two caterpillars   9.______

and said excitedly , "Look, I founded the mother!"     10.______

第五题  短文改错

 Our four-years-old son came into the house   1._year_____

proudly to showed me a caterpillar(毛毛虫)that was 2.__show____

crawling up his arm. Trying hard to hiding my   3.___hide___

nauseating feeling(掩饰我的恶心), I said, "Mark,   4.__√____

why don't you take them back outside Its mother    5.__it____

will be looking for it, but it will miss its mother. " 6.__and____

I was feeling rather pleasing at the way I had 7.__pleased____

handled the situation. And a few minutes   8.___But___

later Mark returned ba\ck to the house with two caterpillars   9.___ba\ck___

and said excitedly , "Look, I founded the mother!" 10._found____

第六题 书面表达

学校围绕“八荣八耻”开展系列主题活动教育活动,同学们积极参与。请写一篇报道,记叙争做“好学生、好公民”活动以来同学们所发生的巨大变化。 活动前 1、随意丢弃废物,不能保持教室、校园清洁 2、对师长不礼貌,不主动问候 3、购物、等车不能遵守秩序 


