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通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题前的括号内。 .

 Peter didn’t like to use his head. He never put his heart into  46   when he was at school. So he couldn’t pass the exams and he could   47   finish middle school. Later on he found work in a factory. At first he worked in an office, but he was   48    to do his job. He was sent to a workshop to do some unskilled work. He was always  49    when he got home and went to bed as soon as he had supper. Once the young man asked a barber to cut his long hair off. He found the work was  50   and light. He decided to be a  51   too. He took the barber as his teacher. Three months passed, but he learned   52   and the barber lost his patience and told him to go home. Peter stayed at home and had nothing to do. His father helped him to

   53   a barber’s shop in their small town,  54    nobody would have their hair cut in his shop. His father wanted others to believe Peter and asked his son to cut his hair off. However, Peter was     55   nervous that he cut his father’s ear off. The old man began to call out, “Ear! My ear!”

 Peter picked the ear up and said, “Stop shouting, Daddy! Your ear is here!”

(   ) 46.A.games    B. ideas      C. studies        D. business

(   ) 47.A.happily    B. hardly      C. easily        D. completely

(   ) 48. A. able     B. unable      C. disable        D. ready

(   ) 49. A. tired    B. interested    C. excited        D. surprised

50.(   )A. tiring     B. dirty       C. dull         D. clean

51.(   ) A. student    B. driver      C. barber       D. clerk

52.(   ) A. nothing    B. something     C. anything       D. everything

53.(   ) A. sell      B. finish      C. close        D. open

54.(   ) A. although    B. if       C. but         D. since

55.(   ) A. too     B. very      C. such         D. so


45.(    ) John writes well,so_______.

A. his brother does                B. does his brother

C. his brother can                D. can his brother


44.This song sounds_______  familiar.

A . a kind of     B. all kinds of    C. kind of     D. kinds of


43. _______ difficult questions they are! I can’t answer them.

A. How        B. How an     C. What     D. What an


42.The  _______ you work at it, the _______ progress you will make.

A .harder; more  B. More hardly; more C. hardlier; greater D. harder; great


41.Don’t spend  _______ time on your computer. It’s bad for your eyes.

A . too many   B. much too    C. too much   D. so many

