0  364578  364586  364592  364596  364602  364604  364608  364614  364616  364622  364628  364632  364634  364638  364644  364646  364652  364656  364658  364662  364664  364668  364670  364672  364673  364674  364676  364677  364678  364680  364682  364686  364688  364692  364694  364698  364704  364706  364712  364716  364718  364722  364728  364734  364736  364742  364746  364748  364754  364758  364764  364772  447090 

36. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______ with his old one.

A. comparing    B. compares    C. to compare     D. compared


35. The play _____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

A. produced              B. being produced    

C. to be produced            D. having been produced


34. The fresh air _____ our health and we _____ it.

A. benefits to; benefit           B. benefits; benefit from

C. benefits from; benefit          D. benefits; are benefited by


33.  ______ as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75 countries in at least 4 continents.

A. To accept              B. Having accepted    

C. To be accepted            D. Accepting


32.At the meeting they discussed different ______ to the study of mathematics.

   A.approaches    B. means   C.methods    D.ways


31.The children were warned of not being too _______ about things you are not supposed to know.

   A.strange    B.amusing    C.curious    D.satisfied


30.  I keep in touch with the friend ______ who stands ______ to me.

   A. close; closely          B. closely; close   

   C. close; close           D. closely; closely


29.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ____ them too hard.

A. draw    B. strike    C. rush     D. push


28. The film was very familiar _______the people in the 1980s, and they were quite fond _________its main character.

A.with, to            B.to, with 

C.to, of            D.with, of


27.He insisted that he _________ nothing wrong and ________free .

  A.should do ; should be set   B.should do; had been set

  C.had done; should be set    D.had done; had been set[

