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When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to  36  a small brown leather purse lying on the sidewalk. I  37  it up and opened it to see if I could  38  the owner’s name. There was nothing inside it  39  some change and an old photo - a picture of a woman and a young girl of about twelve years old, who looked  40  the woman’s daughter. I put the photo back and  41  the purse to the police station, where I  42  it to the desk sergeant (警官).  43  I left, the sergeant took down my name and address  44  the owner might want to write and thank me.

   That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They  45  a young woman  46  there would be four people  47  the table. Her face was familiar. I was  48  sure that we had not met before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. In the course of conversation,  49  , the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her purse that afternoon.  50  I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, although she was now  51  . She was very surprised, of course,  52  I was able to describe her purse to her. Then I explained that I had  53  her from the photo I had found in the purse. My uncle  54  to the police station immediately to claim the purse. As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that it was an  55  coincidence that I had not only found the purse, but also the person who had lost it.

36. A. watch   B. notice        C. discover      D. find out

37. A. chose      B. selected    C. picked       D. took

38. A. find out    B. learn       C. discover    D. work out

39. A besides     B. except      C. except for     D. in addition to

40. A. to be      B. as if        C. as        D. like

41. A. took       B. brought       C. fetched       D. sent

42. A. offered     B. passed       C. handed       D. returned

43. A. Before      B. When       C. While       D. As

44. A. lest      B. in case    C. for fear       D. so that

45. A. have also invited           B. also had invited    

C. also invited            D. had also invited

46. A. so       B. that         C. so that    D. in order that

47. A. in       B. on       C. by        D. at

48. A. completely   B. quiet        C. quite     D. very

49. A. however    B. therefore      C. nevertheless  D. whereupon

50. A. All at once  B. At once      C. Immediately     D. All suddenly

51. A. more old  B. very old    C. much older     D. even older

52. A. when     B. as        C. since        D. for

53. A. known     B. realized      C. identified    D. recognized

54. A. insisted to go          B. insisted going  

C. insisted on going          D. insisted to going

55. A. amazed      B. amazing      C. amazingly      D. amazedly


35. The old scientist has been invited to a party ________ next Monday evening.

   A. holding     B. hold        C. being held     D. to be held


34. As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers ________ by her mother.

A. buying      B. being bought      C. were bought       D. bought


33. ________ he had won the first prize, he felt very happy.

A. Know       B. Known      C. Knowing       D. Being known


32. ________ their lessons, they went to the cinema.

A. Finishing      B. Had finished     C. Finished     D. Having finished

