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44. --- Do you think we should accept that offer from the firm?

  --- Yes, for we ______ such bad luck up till now and time ______ out.

  A. have; has been run             C. are having; has run 

  C. had; was to be run                D. have had; is running 


43. Students shouldn’t ______ any important detail when retelling the text.

  A. bring about    B. let out           C. leave out      D. make out


42. A cop stopped him when he was driving home, ______ him of speeding.

  A. blaming       B. accusing          C. warning          D. charging


41. --- Is it Jim who is driving the new car?

  --- Probably. I know he has bought a ______ Benz.

  A. shiny black German                B. black shiny German

  C. shiny German black                D. black German shiny


40. ______ and we’ll get everything ready for the taking off.

  A. One more hour                   B. Having one more hour

  C. Given one more hour               D. If we have one more hour


39. Lots of foreigners were ______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

A. attended      B. attained          C. attracted         D. attached


38. --- Could those ______ at the back ______ a little closer to hear clearly?

  --- Yes, of course they ______. I’ll get them ______ closer.

  A. seated; sit; could; to sit          B. sitting; seat; can; seated

C. seated; sit; can; seated          D. who sit; sit; could; to sit


37. It ______ Sunday, the library was closed. So they had to come the next day.

  A. is            B. was              C.  were           D. being


36. By the time he realized he ______ into a trap, it would be too late for him to do anything about it.

  A. walked       B. was walking       C. has walked       D. had walked


35. He put the medicine in the top drawer to assure it would not be ______ to the kids.

  A. sensitive       B. relative           C. acceptable        D. accessible  

