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35.--- Why don’t we buy a table ?

   --- Didn’t we just have _____.But ______ need some repair.

   A.one ; it        B.it; which        C.that ; one       D.this ; that


34.--- Are you unsatisfied with what he has given you ?

   --- Sure.It couldn’t be ______ .

A.any worse      B.so bad         C.much better     D.the worst


33.--- He is considered _____ for London.

   --- Yes , I’m considering _____ there as well.

A.leaving ; going                   B.to leave ; to go 

C.to have left ; going                D.having left ; to go


32.--- Would you mind if I closed the door ?

   --- ___________.The wind is blowing strongly.

A.Certainly    B.No

C.Yes , you can’t                  D.I’m sorry but you’d better not


31.--- Where is the post office ?

  --- Go to the ______ and you’ll see the post office ______ the street.

    A.bicycle’s shop ; cross             B.bicycle shop ;  across 

C.bicycles shop ;  cross             D.bicycles’ shop ; across


30.Aboriginal (土著居民)is a term ______ to describe the people living in a place from the earliest _______ times or before European arrived .

    A.used ; knowing                  B.used ; known  

    C.using ; known                    D.using ; knowing


29.--- What are you going to do this weekend ?

   --- I’m thinking of finishing _____ the English book bought in Being.One learns English by reading and _______ .

    A.to read ; write                 B.to have read ; to write 

    C.having read ; writes               D.reading ; writing


28.--- Did you went to India as planned ?

--- No , we _____________________

A.would rather go to my home town

B.preferred to go to my home town

C.went to my home town instead

D.went to my home town rather than going to India


27.--- He has never learned French.

   ---- __________.

    A.So I did        B.So have I       C.Nor I have      D.The same with me.

