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28. The Somali robbed frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to all nations to take immediate action.  

A. fight for      B. apply for      C. call on        D. wait on


[解析]考查动词短语辨析。fight for:与……做斗争;为……而战;apply for:申请;call on:拜访(人);号召;等待,伺候,服伺。题干意思是:撒末利人在海上频繁的抢劫敦促联合国号召所有国家立即采取行动。选C。


27. We are at your service. Don’t      to turn to us if you have any further problems.

A. beg         B. hesitate       C. desire       D. seek




26. -Your mum is very kind.  

-Yeah, My mum is pretty considerate, you know what     ,she always arranges everything around me.  

A. she means      B. you mean      C. I mean       D. we mean


[解析]考查固定句型。You know what I means常用做固定句型,意思是:你知道我这么说的意思,表解释说明,选C。


25. For a moment nothing happened Then     all shouting together.  

A. voices had come             B. came voices  

C. voices would come            D. did voices come




24. It’s helpful to put children in a situation      they can see themselves differently.

A. that        B. when        C. which       D. where




23. -How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!

-It’s a challenge, I guess,     man against nature.  

A. of         B. for         C. by         D. about


[解析]考查介词。应答句中的I guess是插入语,因此所填介词与challenge连用,表所属,用of,选A。


22. -Why does the Lake smell terrible?

-Because large quantities of water    .  

A. have polluted              B. is being polluted  

C. has been polluted             D. have been polluted


[解析]考查动词时态,语态和主谓语一致。根据前一分句可知所填动词表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,时态用现在完成时,动词与主语是被动关系,用被动语态。主语是large quantities of water,其中心词是quantities,是复数,谓语动词用复数,选D。


第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child     he or she wants.  

A. however      B. whatever      C. whichever     D. whenever


21. –Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting.  

-      .  

A. I practice every day            B. Thank you very much

C. No, I don’t think so            D. Well, it’s not good enough



