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30.Authorities face a      task to persuade typhoon survivors to abandon their flood-stricken villages and relocate to lower and safer lands.

A. complex      B. tough         C. easy         D. sharp


29.To the great      of the citizens, no one else was infected with H1N1 except the 12 confirmed cases .

A. relaxation      B. disappointment    C. relief        D. surprise


28.If you want to do something for your life, then don’t worry what others will say or think. Just


A. go for        B. care for     C. appeal to       D. look out for


27.There are days when we feel especially upset. When you are      such a difficult period, it often helps to talk to someone.

A. going through               B. breaking through

C. seeing through              D. looking through


26.It would be unwise to      too much significance      these differences.

   A. attach; to      B. refer; to       C. apply; to       D. contribute; to


25.Most female workers in Shanghai suffer from      connected to the global financial crisis, according to a recent survey.

A. curiosity       B. eagerness       C. anxiety      D. thirst

