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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

   In Twain, many people know what a “motorpool” means. It is  36  known as a place for the maintenance of official business and government cars.  37  it is a place for vehicle maintenance.

   More than ten years ago I came to America on business and I took advantage of the  38  to visit my friend. My friend drove a car to  39  me at the airport, and took me to his home. Out of the  40  , my friend drove his car into the innermost  41  , which had a sign“carpool only”. I  42  what “carpool”meant. I felt doubted whether he was going to a motorpool.  43  I thought myself clever in asking:

   “Is there anything wrong with the car?”

   “Nothing.  44  ?”said he.

   “Well then, why are you going to carpool?”I  45  .

   My friend couldn’t help  46  and told me that “carpool” refers to the lane that only the cars with two or more  47  can drive in. I felt rather  48  on hearing that.

   After dinner, my friend’s neighbour came over to ask whether he  49   “carpool” the next day. “  50  ,”my friend said“I will accompany my friend to go shopping tomorrow.” I was  51  again, wondering why he could not“carpool”with him since we had “carpooled” today. My friend explained to me again that the “carpool” that his neighbour  52  meant they in turn drove the car to work so as to save  53  . The first“carpool”is a noun,  54  the second“carpool”is a verb. It is really  55  for newcomers in America to understand it in a short time.

36.A.commonly    B.probably    C.partly     D. simply

37.A.In general   B.In particular  C.After all    D. Above all

38.A.break      B.time      C.chance     D. place

39.A.watch      B.help      C.meet      D. catch

40.A.sight      B.airport     C.kindness    D. plane

41.A.line      B.lane      C.range      D. route

42.A.wondered    B.knew      C.understood   D. learned

43.A.For       B.Thus      C.Then      D. Though

44.A.How       B.What      C.Why       D. Where

45.A.reminded    B.responded    C.explained    D. judged

46.A.thinking    B.talking     C.laughing    D. showing

47.A.passengers   B.drivers     C.kids      D. ladies

48.A.surprised    B.excited     C.annoyed     D. embarrassed

49.A.needed     B.could      C.should     D. would

50.A.Sure      B.Sorry      C.Pardon     D. Good

51.A.upset      B.doubtful    C.confused    D. worried

52.A.used      B.insisted    C.learned     D. provided

53.  A. energy     B. time      C. money      D. gas

54.A.as       B.so       C.while      D. for

55.A.interesting   B.difficult    C.important    D. necessary


35. It was ______ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.

A.to repair     B.repairing    C.repaired            D.in repair


34. Jenny works hard as usual and it has_________.She got the first in the final exam again.

A. turned out    B. paid back     C. paid off     D. turned up


33. ________ for breaking my promise,I hung my head in shame.

A. Blamed      B. To be blamed    C. Blaming      D. To blame


32. Suddenly the idea came to me ______ I might turn to Mr.Smith for help.

A. what        B. that          C. which        D. whom


31. According to the school rules, no student_______ go out of the school after eleven o’clock at night without the teacher’s permission.

A. shall          B. will        C. must         D. may


30. His _____ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.

A. destination     B. inspiration     C. ambition       D. promotion

