①、2009年7月10日在长沙举行的两岸经贸论坛将进一步巩固、深化、发展两岸党际交流 。
③、刚一入夏,蚂蚁就开始为遥远的冬天储备食物,以便在万物凋敝的冬季,同样可以丰衣足食。 ,这就是蚂蚁的智慧。
A、机制 必然 未雨绸缪
必定 防患未然
C、机制 必定 防患未然
必然 未雨绸缪
A、力能扛(káng)鼎 果脯(fǔ) 量(liàng)体裁衣 悭(qiān)吝
B、芟(shān)夷大难 沏(qī)茶 拾(shí)级而上 埋(mán)怨
C、荷(hè)枪实弹 犒(kào)劳 韦(wéi)编三绝 症(zhēng)结
D、牵强(qiǎng)附会 分娩(miǎn) 宵衣旰(gàn)食 盘桓(yuán)
Conversation 1
M: I'm done in and must rest here.
W: Why? We just walk 5km, and it is only half of the journey.
M: I have never walked such a long distance for several years.
W: How often do you take exercise?
M: I can’t remember when the last time I worked out is. And I always hurry on with my bus in the morning. I have no time for doing it.
W: Oh, you should take exercise regularly and should have a well-balanced diet. I know you always go to bed after midnight, even more late. This is not a good habit.
M: You look like my old maidservant at this time.
W: No, I talk to you because I know that having a strong constitution is an important condition that you can compete with others in you work.
M: Ok, let’s go on. I don’t want to sit here and listen to your lengthy speech.
W: Hey, come on. I just can’t stand your life style. Working out for an hour every day is good for your health.
Conversation 2
M: Is this your umbrella, Miss? W: Oh, yes, it is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now. M: You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before. W: Have you? M: May I ask where you live? W: Just two blocks away, in that tall building. M: That's it. I live there too. I live on the sixth floor. W: My family moved in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor. M: It's a small world. May I know your name? W: I'm Chen Hong. M: How do you do, Miss Chen? I'm Xiao Wei. W: I'm glad to know you, Mr. Xiao. M: Are you going to your office now, Miss Chen? W: No, I'm going to do some shopping for the weekend. What about you? M: I'm going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing. W: See you later, Mr. Xiao. M: Have a good day, Miss Chen. W: You too.
Conversation 3
M: Amazing! Look at this news.
W: Wow, one of the biggest diamonds was found in South Africa.
M: Yes, the weight is 507.55 carat, and it’s a white one.
W: The impurity content is very low. Wonderful!
M: Look, with the biggest one, some smaller diamonds were found. There are 168 carat, 58,5 carat, and 53.3 carat.
W: Wow, anyone of them is big enough. But what I want to know is that how they are going to deal with these diamonds.
M: I remember hundreds of years ago, there was another big diamond found in South Africa, but because South Africa was one of the colonies of Britain. The diamond was finally set in the crown of British Queen.
W: Which king is going to have this one?
M: I believe none. The financial crisis and the recovery of the economic are the reasons.
W: Yes, but I still believe it would be made as a very wonderful work.
Conversation 4
M: I just don’t know what’s wrong with my son. He always feels tired and weak. We come here to visit you to find out what the trouble is.
W: From what is written here I can see that your son had a very bad cold two years ago and had a small operation last year. Did he have any effects after that?
M: I can’t really remember.
W: For example, how long did he stay at home each time he was ill?
M: Just a few days, but about three months ago he was home for about a week with a cold.
W: Did he see a doctor at that time?
M: No, he didn’t see a doctor. When he began to feel better, he returned to school.
W: And when did he start feeling so tired?
M: It must have been about a couple of days ago. When he came back from school one day, there just didn’t seem to be any reason to go back the next day.
W: Well, it sounds as if his problem may be his schoolwork. The tests I just made don’t show anything really wrong. I would like to make some further tests.
M: That’s fine with us.
Conversation 5
W: Hi Henry, it's been a long time since we saw each other last. What have you been up to? M: Hi Penny! It's great to see you again. I've been away on business.
W: Really, where did you go? M: Well, first I flew to New York for two meetings. After that, I flew to Atlanta, where I had to make a presentation at a company conference.
W: It sounds like you've been busy. M: Yes, I've been very busy. It's good to be home again. What have you been doing lately?
W: I have been away for the past two weeks visiting my relatives in Chicago. M: I didn't know you have family in Chicago.
W: Yes, that's right. I was born in Chicago and lived there until I went to college. M: How long have you lived here in Colorado?
W: I've lived here for over 10 years. I moved here in 1998 because I had a new job as a sales representative. M: Have you lived in the same house since you arrived?
W: No, first I lived in an apartment in downtown Denver. I moved here four years ago. I've lived on the street for four years and they've been the happiest years of my life. M: Yes, my wife Jane and I love this neighborhood.
W: And how long have you lived in your house? M: We've only lived here for two years.
W: That's strange. It seems like you have lived here longer than that. M: No, we moved here in 2006.
W: How time flies! M: I have to agree with you on that. It seems like yesterday that I graduated from college. I can't believe I've been working for more than 10 years!
W: I've been working for more than 30 years! I'm going to retire soon. M: Really? You don't look a day over 40!
W: Thank you. You're a great neighbor! M: Not really. Well, I have to get going. Work is waiting for me. Have a good day.
W: You, too. Glad to have you back in the neighbor!
Conversation 6
report cards, they may be upset when their children’s first semester high school grades are below that level. They may ask why John or Mary isn’t doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on. Sometimes parents regard their children as extensions of themselves and think it only right and natural that they determine what their children do with their lives. In their involvement and identification with their children, they forget that everyone is different and that each person must develop in his or her own way. They forget that their children, who are now young adults, must be the ones responsible for what they do and what they are.
(1) 合成端粒所需的原料是_______________,模板是____________。
(2) 右图标有碱基的核酸片段中有______种核苷酸。
A.造血干细胞 B. 肌肉细胞
C.生殖细胞 D. 胚胎干细胞
(4) 根据端粒和端粒酶的功能及相互关系,请提出癌细胞长生不死的一种假设:
(5) 根据目前的假说,衰老可能是由端粒的缩短导致,因此似乎可以通过激活端粒酶来阻止衰老。据此,请对“给衰老细胞注射端粒酶或活化剂,以促使人‘返老还童’”的做法谈谈你的观点。
(2)已知第一代DNA分子中含40 000个碱基对,其中胞嘧啶占35%,那么该DNA分子连续复制两次,需补充____ 个腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸。
(3)下列是由氢键相连的两个脱氧核苷酸,其中正确的是( )
(4)此DNA分子中有一具有遗传效应的片段能控制一种特定蛋白质分子的合成,若此片段中含6 000个碱基,则此蛋白质分子中最多有______个肽键。
(1)两只黑色荷兰猪交配产下了一只白色雄性荷兰猪.则它们再生下一只棕色雌性荷兰猪的概率是 。
41.(12分) 已知果蝇刚毛和截毛这对相对性状由X和Y染色体上一对等位基因控制的,刚毛(B)对截毛(b)为显性;控制果蝇的红眼和白眼性状的基因只存在于X染色体上,红眼(R)对白眼(r)为显性(如右图所示)。
① 果蝇种群中雄果蝇的基因型除了有XBYB(如图所示)和XBYb外,还有 ;
② 现将两只刚毛果蝇杂交,子代雌果蝇中既有刚毛,又有截毛,雄果蝇全为刚毛,则这两只果蝇的基因型是 ;
①若F与正常的C结合得到异常的白眼雌果蝇,则F的基因型很可能是 。
②若F与正常H结合得到异常的红眼雄果蝇,则K的基因组成是 。
① 如果子代果蝇均有刚毛,则该雄果蝇基因型为XRBYB;
② 如果子代________________________________________________;
③ 如果子代_______________________________________。
35.已知鸡的芦花斑纹(B)对非芦花斑纹(b)为显性,B和b这对等位基因只位于Z染色体上。鸡的毛腿(A)对光腿(a)为显性,A与a位于常染色体上。现有毛腿芦花鸡雌雄各一只,其杂交雄性子代中出现毛腿芦花鸡和光腿芦花鸡,雌性子代中出现毛腿芦花鸡、光腿芦花鸡、毛腿非芦花鸡、光腿非芦花鸡,则杂交子代中只出现光腿和芦花两种性状的一种的概率为( )
A.5/8 B.3/8 C.1/2 D.3/16
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