0  366634  366642  366648  366652  366658  366660  366664  366670  366672  366678  366684  366688  366690  366694  366700  366702  366708  366712  366714  366718  366720  366724  366726  366728  366729  366730  366732  366733  366734  366736  366738  366742  366744  366748  366750  366754  366760  366762  366768  366772  366774  366778  366784  366790  366792  366798  366802  366804  366810  366814  366820  366828  447090 

3.(   ) He tried his best to solve the problem, ____  difficult it was. (2005天津)

   A. however   B. no matter

   C. whatever   D. although

   [解析]选A本题考查让步状语从句的用法。此处。however=no matter how。


2.(   ) Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to....

  A. be put up   B. give in

  C. be turned on   D. go out

   [解析]选D  put Hp"举起、搭起、张贴”等;give in “投降、屈服”;turn on “开、旋开(电灯、自来水等)”。go out 为不及物动词词组,指“(灯、火等)熄灭”。when the firemen got there。the fire had been put out / had gone out. 救火员到时,火已经熄灭了(扑灭了)。


1.(   ) Boris has brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ____ IQ. (NMET 2002)

   A. a high   B. a higher

   C. the higher   D. the highest

   [解析]选B  higher是形容词比较级修饰IQ,在此表示“……班上没有人有更高的智商”,因此是泛指,前面加不定冠词。


6. -- Let's stop here for a cup of coffee.

  -- Sounds great, but to tell the truth, I didn't bring any money.

   -- ____

  -- Thanks. Next time it's my turn. (2005 名校示范卷)

    A. No problem. I did.

    B. That's OK. I'll bargain with them.

    C. That's too bad. How about tea?

    D. Well, let's have something else.



5. -- Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night.

  -- ____ I'm sure you had a wonderful time. (2004 辽宁)

    A. Sounds good!    B. Very well.

    C. How nice!      D. All right.


4. -- You're not a new member, are you?

  -- ____. I joined only yesterday.

    A. No, I'm not     B. Yes, I'm not

    C. No, I am      D. Yes, I am


3. -- Is this Mr. White's office, Linda?

  -- Yes, Mr. Taylor. He's waiting for you. ___

   (2005 名校示范卷)

    A. Of course

    B. After you

    C. This way, please

    D. Make yourself at home


2. -- Hello, ____

  -- It must be about two years since we last met. What have you been doing?

  -I've been doing all sorts of things. (2005 名校示范卷)

    A. I haven't seen you for ages.

    B. how long have you been like this?

    C. where have you been these years?

    D. can you still remember me?


1. -- Let's go and have a good drink tonight.

  -- ____ Have you got the first prize in the com-

    petition? (2004 重庆)

    A. What for?      B. Thanks a lot.

    C. Yes, I'd like to.   D. Why not?


8. The English exam, which ____ on the afternoon of July 8, has now been moved to the morning of July.

    A. was used to taking

    B. used to take

    C. used to be taken

    D. was used to being taking




-- Susan·w11l you please go and empty that drawer?

-- ____?

   A. What for   B. What is it

   C. How is it   D. How come

[答案与解析]A  这道题考查英语口语中如何使用省略形式。What / or表示“为什么呢?”What is it表示“那是什么呢?”How is it 表示“它怎么样?”How come表示“为何会……?”


① What about = How about...? ……又怎么样?

② What for? 为何? 为什么呢?

③ What if...? 如果……怎么办?

④ What then? 那怎么办?

⑤ What next? 下一步怎么办?


-- Isn't that Ann's husband over there?

-- No, it ____ be him.

-- I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses.

   A. can't   B. must not

   C. won't   D. may not

[答案与解析]A  此题考查在特定语境中情态动词的运用。通过对下文所提供的语境I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses. 的理解。推断出正确选项应该是“can't”。can't,表示一种否定的推测,考查了情态动词表示推测的基本知识.即表示否定和疑问的推测要使用can。故只有A项正确。


① I probably couldn't...

② I'm sure I would be late to...

③ If I..., I would be able to...

④ I would not be able to...

⑤ I would need help to...

⑥ It would be difficult to...例如:

If l were blind, it would be difficult for me to get there.如果我眼睛看不见,很难到达那里。   、

If l were in a wheelchair, I'm sure I would be able to go shopping, eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to a cinema with the help of my friends. 如果我必须坐轮椅的话,我相信我能在朋友的帮助下去购物、去快餐店吃饭以及去看电影。


