0  366677  366685  366691  366695  366701  366703  366707  366713  366715  366721  366727  366731  366733  366737  366743  366745  366751  366755  366757  366761  366763  366767  366769  366771  366772  366773  366775  366776  366777  366779  366781  366785  366787  366791  366793  366797  366803  366805  366811  366815  366817  366821  366827  366833  366835  366841  366845  366847  366853  366857  366863  366871  447090 

20.-Must I turn off the gas after taking a bath?

  --Of course. You can never be _______ careful with that.

A.enough          B. too         C. so          D. very


19.When spelling a long word, be careful not to ________ a single word.

A. leave out        B. leave for       C.leave off       D. leave alone


18.The teacher was _______ when he heard the _______ news.

A. annoying;annoying               B. annoying;annoyed 

C. annoyed;annoyed               D. annoyed;annoying


17.The mother didn't know who _______ for the broken glass.

A. blamed         B. to blame       C. should blame     D. would blame


16.Washington, a state in the United States,was named ________ one of the greatest American

presidents, _________ him.

A. after;in honour of               B. for;in favor of

  C. after;in praise of                D. for;in place of


15.The custom has been ________ from generation to generation.               

A. passed away       B. passed down     C. passed by      D. passed off


14.The village has developed a lot ________ we learned farming two years ago.

   A.when          B. which        C. that         D. where


13.--Where is that report?

  --I brought it to you _______ you were in Mr Black’s office yesterday.         

   A. if          B. when        C. because       D. before

