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31.Was it Bill, _____ played basketball well, _____ helped the blind man cross the road?

    A.that; who       B.that; that        C.who; that        D.who; which


30.-I wonder how long you _____ in Hawaii.

    -Just for the weekend, then I had to attend a conference in Los Angeles.

    A.will stay        B.stayed          C.have stayed      D.were staying


29.Jack went to college last year and left his parents, _____ to return home until he achieves his goal.

A. determining not  B. not determined    C. not determining  D. determined not


28.-Will you go to Tina’s birthday catty?

-No,    invited,I can’t go.I’ll be very busy then.

A.Even if         B.Unless        C.In case        D.As if


27.The last thirty years _____ the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. Until today we have reached a stage _____ we have almost no rights at all.

A. saw; which     B. see; where        C. are seeing; in which     D. have seen; where


26.With no rain for three months and food supplies _____ out, the situation here is getting from bad to worse.

   A. run         B. running        C. to run          D. to be run


25.The bank is reported in the local newspaper _____ in broad daylight yesterday.

   A. being robbed                 B.having been robbed

   C. to have been robbed             D.to have robbed


24.-How are you getting along with your study these days?

-I’m glad to see it is _____.

A. turning up      B. turning out        C. picking up      D. picking out


23.The situation has become extremely tense. A war _____ break out between the two sides.

  A. shall        B. will          C. must         D. could


22.Don’t worry too much about making _____ mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning.

A. /: a           B. the; /          C. /; the         D. the; the

