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  (10 points)(根据所听到的内容,给谜语标序号。)

Santa Claus
moon cake
(   )
(   )
(   )
(   )
(   )


(读题, 听录音,在横线上写出正确答案的序号。)

 1. Sam wants to talk with      over the phone.

   A. Fred          B. Andy          C. Frank

2.They are going to a     this afternoon.

   A. birthday party      B. library          C. zoo

 3.Peter and Tina are talking about _    .

   A. fireflies        B. spiders         C. insects

 4.The children are talking about _______.

   A. New Year       B. Thanksgiving       C. Halloween

 5.The children are talking about _______.

   A. the Mid-Autumn Festival   B. the Chinese New Year   C. Christmas



   One day, Jane and I were walking on the fields near my home. Jane was a little afraid. She was afraid of squirrels. “Don’t worry, Jane,” I told her. “There is only one or two rabbits in the field.”

   We walked and walked. We heard a noise behind us. Jane was afraid. She jumped. We looked. It was a pretty giraffe. Jane smiled.

   We walked and walked. We heard a noise behind us again. This time, Jane was not afraid. We looked. It was a fox! Jane was very afraid. I was afraid, too. We screamed!



1. The sun gives us heat and light.

2. Some animals, such as bears and frogs, sleep in the winter.

3. Swallows fly south in autumn.

4. There is no air on the moon. 

5. Monday is between Sunday and Tuesday



1. I’m a building. There are many interesting things in me. Many people go to see the things. What am I?

2. I’m a very large animal. I lived on the earth many many years ago. Now you can see me on TV. You can see my pictures in books. You can see my models in the museum. What am I?

3. I’m a large bird, but I cannot fly far. I have a very big tail. When I open my tail, I look very beautiful. People are happy to see me open my tail. What am I?

4. I’m a person. I work in a hospital. When people are sick, they go to see me. What am I?

5. I’m very bad weather. When I come, there is heavy rain. There is strong wind. There is often lighting and thunder. What am I?


1. Yesterday morning, I went to visit Tiananmen Square with my mom.

2. Then we watched a play in a big theater nearby.

3. After we watched the play, we were hungry. We wanted to find a place to have lunch. We asked a police officer where we could find a restaurant. He showed us the way.

4. We had a very good meal in a small restaurant.

5. When we finished lunch, it began to rain. We took a taxi home. My mom and I had a nice day.


2. Answer the questions according to the story. (8 points.)


(1) Where does Uncle Tom live?


(2) How did the writer find how to take good care of a baby goat?


English Final Examination (Book 5A)

小学英语 5A 期末考试

Part 1  Listening  (30points)



Do you keep pets in your home? I do. My pet is a goat! This is how I got my goat.

Uncle Tom lives on a farm. He has some goats. One day, he told me the mother goat was going to give birth to a baby goat. He asked me to visit his farm.

I went to the farm. The mother goat gave birth to a baby goat. I asked Uncle Tom, “Can I have this baby goat, please?”

“Sure. You can take it.” said Uncle Tom. “But you need to know how to take care of the baby goat. If you take good care of it, it can make a good pet.”

I read a book about goats. I found out how to take care of a baby goat.

Three days after it is born, you can take it away from its mother. You need to feed it from a bottle. When you feed it, you need to touch it with your hand nicely. The baby goat will think you are its mother!

I did so. The baby goat made a very good pet!

1. Fill in each blank with a word from the story.  (12points)


(1) The writer keeps a _______ as his pet.

(2) The writer got the baby goat from _______ Tom.

(3) You can take a baby goat away from its mother _______ days after it is born.

(4) You need to feed a baby goat with a _______.

(5) You need to _______ the baby goat nicely with our hand when you feed it.

(6) You need to make the baby goat think you are its _______.



A栏                B栏

(  )1.What do you do in the morning?
A. I see lightning on a rainy day.
(  )2.When do you see lightning?
B. The doctor wanted to see my teeth.
(  )3.Who lived on the farm?
C. They picked up leaves in a big park.
(  )4. Why did you open your mouth?
D. I go to school in the morning.
(  )5.Where did the girls pick up
the leaves?
E. Farmer Tom lived on the farm.


  (10 points)  (读所给信息,根据范例仿写一篇日记。)

a cool and windy spring day
flying kites
kites in the sky




