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4、下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是               (   )

A.撇弃(piě)  挣脱(zhēng)  罹难(lí)    一绺(liǔ)

B.咂巴(zā)   挑剔(tī)  饿殍(piǎo)  经筵(yán)

C.稗官(bài)  憎恶(zèng)  尘滓(zǐ)    填补(tiān)

D.邂逅(hòu)  谲诈(jié)   悚然(sǒng)   牵累(lěi)



A.沮丧  龃龉  狙击  粗犷  含英咀华  B.伶仃  囹圄  花翎  玲珑  高屋建瓴

C.炮烙  烙印  落魄  骆驼  络绎不绝  D.亢奋  伉俪  炕桌  沆瀣  引吭高歌


2.下列加点词中,每对加点字读音完全相同的一组是(   )

A.颤抖/打颤  头角/角色  螳臂当车/安步当车

B.慰藉/狼藉  佝偻/伛偻  方兴未艾/自怨自艾

C.横财/强横  辟谣/精辟  厚占薄今/厚积薄发

D.蹊跷/蹊径  歌曲/元曲  数见不鲜/鲜为人知


1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )

A. 金钗(chāi) 三缄其口(jiān) 颔联(hàn)纨绔子弟(kù)

B. 给养(gěi)危如累卵(lěi) 分娩(miǎn) 妩媚多姿(wǔ)

C. 俟机(sì)沆瀣一气(hàng) 奶酪(luò) 不容置喙(huì)

D. 奇葩(pā)不谙水性(ān) 城垣(huán) 风流倜傥(tǎng)


3.(2009浙江卷)下列词语中,各对加点字的读音都不相同的一项是(  )

A.幸/色    车/戟沉沙    目/交口

B.盘/拮据    癖好/极泰来    弃/敛声

C.然/伤    惑/余勇可贾    诘问/开花

D.脚/扭    干/曲高寡    徉/逢作戏





(2009山东卷)下列词语中,字形与加点字的读音全都正确的一组是(  )

A.眷顾   候(cì)    生生(què)   不冒昧(chuǎi)

B.糅合   色(yùn)   闹扭(biè)   闭目听(sè)

C.遴选   误(chuǎn)  风景(shā)   飞扬拔(hù)

D.做梗   舌(zé)    方药(chǔ)   嘁嘁喳(chā)






2.(2009广东卷)下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是(  )

A.品/摇     况/愤     喉/哽

B.源/愿     憬/孔     大

C.酌/别     荟然     样/楷

D.商/证     热/烦     临/


[解析]A项yàn/yè  gài/kǎi  yán/yè

B项sù/sù  chóng/tóng  shà/xià

C项zhén/zhén  cuì/cù  mú/mó

D项què/quàn zào/zào  jiàng/xiáng



1.(2009江苏卷)下列词语中加点的字,读音完全正确的一组是(  )

A.度/宏观控   解/龙伏虎   搪/敷衍

B.视/吃俭用   本/落不羁   绳/尘不染

C.养/可可点   喷/厚古今   申/老成持

D.臧/极泰来   府/不思蜀   蔽/气凝神


[解析]各组每对读音分别是A.diào/tiáo  jiàng/xiáng  sè  B.xǐng/shěng  tà/tuò  qiàn/xiān  C.juàn/quān  bó  chóng/zhòng  D.pǐ  yuè/lè  píng/bǐng



47. B. count :  “有价值,有影响,有重要性”

Section C (12 points)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

There was a new guy in the office. When we walked by each other in the hallway, we smiled and said " hi". Actually, he said, "Hi, Joe."  48   I just said "hi" because... well... I didn't know his name, and was embarrassed to ask. 

I passed him in the hall again yesterday. As I was continuing down the hall, feeling pretty good about how well I was coping  49   not knowing his name, when I heard a familiar voice behind me. "I don't know you!" It was Sylvia, one of the kindest people I know. Sylvia was friendly and warm, a welcoming mother to everyone in the office. She was walking a few paces behind me, and evidently she didn't know the new guy  50  .

But rather than just smile and say "hi," Sylvia did what she did. Not only  52   she announce that she didn't know him, but asked him his name,   51   him hers and engaged him in conversation. Before  53   they were chatting like old friends about some things they had in   54  . And suddenly for Sylvia, the new guy wasn't the new guy anymore. He was Mitch, a colleague with children, hobbies, interests and a little shared history.

I was stunned -- and a little embarrassed by the ease with   55   Sylvia negotiated that transition. It doesn't take much to turn an unfamiliar face in into a friend. You just have to get over yourself and reach out a little. Ask a question. Learn a name. And just like that -- no more new guy


46. B. reminder: “提醒人的东西,提醒物”


45. D. Instead he stopped, reached down and helped me up . 伸手把我扶起来。

