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28.The letter was so badly written that I couldn’t _________ it. 

    A.make sense   B.make sense of    C.make sense in  D.take sense of


27.Mount Wuyi is such an attractive place of interest ________ everyone likes to visit.

    A.that        B.as         C.which        D.what 


26.The boy burst into tears ________ he saw his mother.

    A.at the moment    B.in a moment     C.for a moment    D.the moment


25.________, I could not memorize the text.

    A.However hard did I try           B.However hard I tried

    C.However I tried hard           D.However I had tried hard  


24.Raising environmental awareness was the aim of our art exhibition ____ last week.

    A.to hold          B.held              C.having held      D.being held


23._________ he was, he still went on with his work.

    A.Tired although                        B.Tiring as     

     C.Tired though                        D.While tired 


22.It was the training ________ he had as a young man ________ made him so excellent.

    A.what; that    B.that; which    C.that; what      D.which; that 


21.Not until she took off her dark glasses ________ she was a famous film star.

    A.I realised      B.that did I realise   C.did I realise   D.that I realised 


20.It is ten years since we ________ each other last time. 

    A.see        B.have seen      C.saw      D.had seen 


19.More wild tigers have been seen in the forest around this area, ________ there used to be very few.

    A.when       B.where       C.what           D.which 

