0  368901  368909  368915  368919  368925  368927  368931  368937  368939  368945  368951  368955  368957  368961  368967  368969  368975  368979  368981  368985  368987  368991  368993  368995  368996  368997  368999  369000  369001  369003  369005  369009  369011  369015  369017  369021  369027  369029  369035  369039  369041  369045  369051  369057  369059  369065  369069  369071  369077  369081  369087  369095  447090 

23._________ he was, he still went on with his work.

    A.Tired although                        B.Tiring as     

     C.Tired though                        D.While tired 


22.It was the training ________ he had as a young man ________ made him so excellent.

    A.what; that    B.that; which    C.that; what      D.which; that 


21.Not until she took off her dark glasses ________ she was a famous film star.

    A.I realised      B.that did I realise   C.did I realise   D.that I realised 


20.It is ten years since we ________ each other last time. 

    A.see        B.have seen      C.saw      D.had seen 


19.More wild tigers have been seen in the forest around this area, ________ there used to be very few.

    A.when       B.where       C.what           D.which 


18.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it ________ be rather cold sometimes.

    A.must        B.can         C.should          D.would 


17.You can never be ________ when crossing the street.

    A.very careful   B.too careful                         

     C.carefully enough                       D.enough careful


16.________, you need to give all you have and try your best. 

    A.Being a winner                         B.To be a winner   

     C.Be a winner                            D.Having been a winner


15.Before Sally left home, her mother kept telling her to ________ her manners at the party.

    A.notice       B.care          C.mind         D.observe


14.She has ________ that I find it hard to believe anything bad of her.

     A.so a lovely face                       B.so lovely a face   

     C.such lovely a face                       D.such lovely face

