0  369341  369349  369355  369359  369365  369367  369371  369377  369379  369385  369391  369395  369397  369401  369407  369409  369415  369419  369421  369425  369427  369431  369433  369435  369436  369437  369439  369440  369441  369443  369445  369449  369451  369455  369457  369461  369467  369469  369475  369479  369481  369485  369491  369497  369499  369505  369509  369511  369517  369521  369527  369535  447090 

17.This is the small house less than 15 square meters, under _____ roof lives a large family of three generations.

A. which              B. that               C. its                D. whose


16._____ is reported in the newspaper is that seventeen climbers have been killed in the snowstorm.

A.It                B. As                C.What              D.That


15. The father has been ____ for many years in order that his only son can be ____ with higher education.

A. fighting; served  B. struggling; equipped

C. working; offered  D. laboring; received


14. She was fortunate ______ to star in the film which ______ in the remote mountainous village.

A. having been picked out; was set   B. to have been chosen; set 

C. to be picked out; was set      D. to have been chosen; was set


13. Thanks to the Party’s opening and reform policy, people in China are ______ than they were thirty years ago.

 A. well off   B. much better off   C. more better off   D. quite better off


12. I regret _____ you that my sister regretted _____ you her date. You are not the kind of person she wants.

A. telling; making  C. to tell; to make  C. telling; to make  D. to tell; making


11. In face of _____failure, it is the most important to keep up _____ good state of mind.

A. /; a    B. a;/   C.  the; /  D. / ;the


10. _____ the book where it was ______.   A. Lay, laying   B. Lie, lying    C. Lay, lying   D. Lie, laying


9. She couldn’t ______ the fact that the money was found in his house.

A. answer for       B. leave for      C. care for  D. account for


8. ---Could I use your telephone?    --- Yes, of course you  ________.   A. could  B. will  C. can  D. might

