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20. In the character-training of children, what really ________ much is what their

parents say and do.

A. matters       B. cares      C. considers      D. minds


19. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ________ telling lies.

    A. keep away from            B. keep away with

    C. get away from             D. get away with


18. ______ so delicious, the food in this market was sold out soon.

   A. Tasting       B. Tasted   C. Having been tasted   D. Being tasted


17. -Do you have anything more ________, sir?

-No. You can have a rest or do something else.

A. typing       B. to be typed       C. typed      D. to type


16. -Who knocked at the door?

-I’ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask who

________ was.

   A. he        B. that          C. she           D. it


15. It is on this maglev train that is very comfortable _____ I have been to the People’s Square.

A. how        B. that          C. where        D. when


14. Men and women should be treated equally according to the law, but ________ there is great room for improvement.

  A. in reality    B. above all      C. after all       D. in return


13. So amused ________ that I couldn’t help laughing when I saw the children dressed

   up as Santa Clauses on Christmas Day.

    A. did I feel      B. had I felt   C. I felt          D. I had felt

