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2、选出下列各组词语中书写有误的一项 (   )

A 沧桑    没精打采   恪守   树阴

B百舸    激浊扬清   气概    幽辟

C炫耀    游目骋怀   竞相    竹篙    

D渺茫    寥廓江天   翩然    罗绮


1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是(   )

A. 深(suì)   漫 ( shuò )  沉 (dìng)    颓(pǐ)

B. 百争流(kě) 廓(liáo)   峥嵘(zhēng róng)  青(xìng)

C. 浪飞舟(è)  佝偻(gōu lóu)  叫(xiāo)     火(bō)

D. 残(gēng)  长(hāo)    息(qì)      变之声(zhǐ)







English is the most wide used language in the world.        76. ______

Methods of learning English has been improved greatly          77. ______

since the begin of this century. Learning English is             78. ______

not just a matter of knowing a lots of grammar rules                 79. ______

or words. English is not a “subject” like the geography               80. ______

or history, but a “skill” like swimming and football.        81. ______

You learn to swim by getting on the water and swimming.         82. ______

You learn to play football by going and kick a ball.                83. ______

And you learn English by using it, without by knowing            84. _______

about it. A student’s mastery of a language is measured by        85. ______

