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13.I feel upset,for there are so many troublesome problems    

   A.remaining to settle    B.remained to settle

C.remaining to be settled  D.remained to be settled


12.-Did your manager phone you again the next day?

   -No,it was a fortnight,    he gave me a second call.

A.when   B.since   C.before  D.that


11.The careless driver is    for the traffic accident that    yesterday.

   A.to blame; happened      B.to blame; was happening

C.to be blamed; was happened  D.to be blamed; happened


10.The largest collection ever found in England was one of about 200,000 silver pennies,    

over 600 years old.

A.all of which   B.all of it   C.all of that  D.all of them


9.Mr.White should have arrived at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn't     

A.turn up   B.get up   C.hold up  D.keep up


8.-You've agreed to go.So why aren't you getting ready?

  -But I     that you wanted me to start at once.

   A.don't realize    B.hadn't realized

C.haven't realized  D.didn't realize


7.    their son away to college, the old couple goe more room in the house.

A.As  B.With   C.For  D.Through


6.-Thank you ever so much for the reference book you lent me.


   A.No, thanks        B.I'm glad you like it

C.Please don't say so   D.No,it's not so good


5.-I bought this MP4 for only 300 yuan.

  -You really got a wonderful    

   A.price   B.value   C.bargain   D.gift


4.It is not rare in   that people in    fifties were going to university for further education.

   A.90s; the   B.the 90s;/   C.90s; their  D.the 90s; their

