0  370781  370789  370795  370799  370805  370807  370811  370817  370819  370825  370831  370835  370837  370841  370847  370849  370855  370859  370861  370865  370867  370871  370873  370875  370876  370877  370879  370880  370881  370883  370885  370889  370891  370895  370897  370901  370907  370909  370915  370919  370921  370925  370931  370937  370939  370945  370949  370951  370957  370961  370967  370975  447090 

17.I ____in London for many years, but I've never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

     A.lived           B.was living         C.have lived        D.had lived


16.-English has large vocabulary, hasn't it?

-Yes, _  more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.

     A.Known          B.Knowing         C.To know          D.Know


15.-You know Miss Li has been in hospital for days?

-Yes.I wonder if she is _    _ better now.

     A.some         B.no          C.any          D.much


14.-Was it in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeeded _____ landing on the moon?

-Yes, that' s right.

     A.when; on         B.that: on         C.which; in            D.that: in


13.The Foreign Minister said, " __ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace."

     A.This is           B.There is            C.It is          D.That is


12.The new storybook is written in ____ easy English ____ beginners can understand.

     A.such; as          B.so; that           C.such; that          D.too; that


11.The university _____ Mr.Smith teaches is a world-famous one, ____was founded over

  one hundred years ago.

A.where; which                        B.in which; where    

C.that; which      D.where; that


10.-It's a long time ____ I last saw you.

  -Yes, and it will be another month ____ we can meet again.

    A.before; since      B.when; before       

     C.since, when                               D.since; before


9._____villagers on that island have been living in ____peace for years with one another.

     A.The; a          B./;the           C.The;/         D.The; the


8.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see       

A.who is he       B.who is it         

C.who it is                               D.who he is

