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1.关于各图比例尺和表示范围的大小,正确的说法是             (   )

A.③图表示的比例尺最大      B.①图表示的比例尺最小

C.⑤图表示的范围最大       D.④图表示的范围最小

2.居民在当地永远看不见北极星的岛屿是                  (   )

A..②岛      B.③岛      C.④岛      D.⑤岛

3.若比例尺相等,图1各图中经度差相等的两条经线间,距离由大到小的图幅顺序是:(   )

A.①②③④⑤   B.①②③⑤④   C.①③④⑤②   D.①③④②⑤


28. turn back  往回走,使…倒转   turn down 把(收音机等)开小一些

  turn in  上交,上床睡觉  turn on 开(收音机,灯等)turn off  关(收音机,灯等)            

turn out 生产,制造(成品)或跟不定式,构成复合谓语,跟从句(用it作主语)其后跟形容词、副词、名词、意为结果,原来(情况)

  turn over 移交,翻阅,考虑,细想   turn to 向…求助,翻到

  turn up 出现,来( 开会,赴约等)(把收音机)开大一点声

(208)To whom should we ______ the key when we leave the room?

(209)“Please _______ page 40,” said the teacher.

(210)He promised to attend my birthday party ,but till now he hasn’t _____ yet.

(211)Excuse me, _______ the radio a little. I could hear nothing.

(212)If you have any difficulty, you can ______ me.

(213)That radio is pretty loud. Could you ______ it ______ a little?

(214)I want to ______ early tonight because I should get up early tomorrow.

(215)Remember to _____ all the lights before you leave the room.

(216)Have you _____ your exercise book?

(217)The wheel of history can never be ______.

(218)Would you mind ______ the light? It is dark.

(219)She was afraid things were not going to _____ smooth for us.

(220)The English evening party ________ a great success.

(221)The factory ______ 2000 new cars last year.

(222)It ______ that he has never been there. No wonder he knows nothing about it.


27. try on      try out      try one’s best

(205)I will ______ to help you with your English.

(206)I went to the tailors to _______ my new suit.

(207)They ____ these models with the peasants.


26. take away  拿走    take back 收回         take care  注意,当心

  take care of 照顾,负责take charge of  负责(管某事或照顾某人) take down 记下

  take for granted  想当然  take hold of 抓住   take interest in  对…. 发生兴趣     

take it easy别紧张    take off   起飞,脱下(衣服等)  take office就职

  take on  开始从事,雇用,招收,具有新面貌  take one’s seat 坐下,坐好

  take out  拿出来   take part in 参加     take pride in  为…感到骄傲       

take the place of 代替  take turns   轮流   take up 选学(课程),占去(时间或空间)

(181)I’m sorry I can’t go with you. I have to _____ my little brother.

(182)In 1919, the May 4th Movement _____ in China.

(183)I will _____ an important meeting this afternoon.

(184)We _____ our responsibilities as teachers in China.

(185)He _____ at a very difficult time.

(186)When he was young , he _____ science subjects.

(187)These magazines can’t be _____ of the reading-room.

(188)These big desks _____ too much room so we’d better take them away.

(189)I was _____ as a worker in a big factory.

(190)The land around the lake _____ a different look.

(191)You have been working so hard for several weeks. You must ___and relax over the   weekend.

(192)The plane _____ from the airport and headed towards Shanghai.

(193)He ____ his glasses before going to bed.

(194)He ____ a part-time teaching job in a middle school.

(195)We _____ it ____ that they would accept our suggestions.

(196)He came over and _____ my hand.

(197)I want to _____ what I said.

(198)_______ not to wake the baby!

(199)We each_______ the lessons for three classes.

(200)She _______ she was told to , careful not to miss a word.

(201)His sense of touch gradually_______ sight.

(202)We _____ to clean the classroom.

(203)I don’t use this dictionary at the moment, you may ____ it ____.

(204)They came in and ____ at the small round table.


25. make one’s living 谋生  make fun和… 开玩笑(耍弄)make use of 利用

  make out  理解,看清楚,假装     make sure 核实,一定要,弄清楚

  make up  构成,编写,弥补,补偿,化装,补上(功课)

  make up one’s mind  决心        make room (way) for 腾出地方(让路)

(171)He hasn’t ____ yet just what he should do.

(172)Xiao Li, you should _____ your time.

(173)Let’s ______ that we know nothing about it.

(174)They sat closer together to _____ the old man.

(175)Thirty boys and twenty girls ______ our class.

(176)_____ that the door is locked before you leave.

(177)To this day I still can’t ______ why they did so.

(178)I don’t like him because he often _______ me.

(179)In the play, he _____ for the part of an old man.

(180)Tom _____ by selling newspaper by the roadside.


24. set about  开始(着手)做某事  set back (把表)往回拨  set an example树立榜样 

set down 放下,写下,记下    set fire to  放火烧着   set off 动身

  set out  动身,出发,着手,开始

(163)Lei Feng ______ for us to learn from.

(164)It’s impossible to _______ the clock of history.

(165)They asked her to _____ the facts just as she remembered them.

(166)If we want to get there before dark, we’d better ______ early.

(167)That evening he _____ writing the report.

(168)I still remembered the day when the enemy came and _____ all the houses.

(169)Mr. Smith _____ to write a history of America in 1980.

(170)We’ll ______ for Shanghai some day next week.


23. send down  使降低  send for 派人去请      send in  交上去  

send off 送行    send out  发出(光亮等)  send up  发射

(157)We’ve ______ another man-made satellite this month.

(158)Applications must be _______by 25th this month.

(159)Xiao Li is ill. Have you _______ the doctor?

(160)The sun _______lights and heat.

(161)There was a large crowd to _______ Xiao Wang at the station.

(162)We should manage to _______ the prices.



22. see----off  送行        see through 看透,识破

(155)I went to the station this morning to _______ Xiao Li.

(156)I suddenly _______ what he had in mind.


21. run across  碰到,遇到  run away 跑掉,逃跑 run down  撞到 run for 竞选

  run into   碰到(困难),遇到(某人)   run out of 用完(某物)

(149)If you drive so fast, you’ll_______ someone some day.

(150)He didn’t want to _______ president (in) that year.

(151)The thief ______ as soon as he could in order to escape from being caught.

(152)I’ve _______ my ink.

(153)I happened to _______ Xiao Li in the street.

(154)In that way you’ll only _______ difficulties.

