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71.  There are 100 years in a c_________.(原创)



well,  soft,  second,  better,  may,  strongly,  afraid,  sand,  stay up,   if,  now,  house

We can’t stop an earthquake, but we can do things to make sure they don’t destroy whole cities. First, it is not a 61 .________  idea to build houses along lines where  62. ________ of the earth’s plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there  63. ________ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on  64. ________. Third, you must make the houses as  65. ________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may  66. ________ .  .

  Scientists are  67. ________  that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco . They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more  68. ________  . The population in and around San Francisco is  69. ________  ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that  70. ________  there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.




Michelle is a young girl who works for the police as a handwriting expert. She has helped catch many criminals(罪犯) by using her special talents.

When she was fourteen, Michelle was already ____31____ interested in the differences in her friends’ ____32____ that she would spend hours ____33____ them.  After ____34____ college she went to France for a ____35____ two-year class in handwriting at the school of Police Science.

Michelle says that it is impossible for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover most of what she needs to know simply ____36____ looking at the writing with her own eyes, ____37____ she also has machines ____38____ help her make ____39____ different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often ____40____ great help to the police.

Michelle believes that handwriting is a good ____41____ of what kind of person the ____42____ is. “I wouldn’t go out with a fellow ____43____ I didn’t like his handwriting,” She says. But she ____44____ she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman ____45____ she studied his handwriting. It is later proved (证明)to be all right, however.

  31. A. so       B. too      C. quite    D. such

  32. A. books     B. letter     C. tongues   D. handwriting

  33. A. writing     B. studying    C. uncovering  D. solving

  34. A. attending    B. finishing    C. starting   D. stepping into

  35. A. powerful    B. natural    C. special    D. common

  36. A. with      B. by       C. of      D. about

  37. A. so       B. for       C. while    D. but

  38. A. they      B. in which    C. that     D. those

  39. A. up       B. out      C. for     D. into

  40.A. of       B. to      C. with     D. for

  41. A. test       B. sign     C. means    D. habit

  42. A. thief      B. criminal    C. writer    D. policeman

  43. A. whether     B. unless     C. if      D. after

  44. A. adds       B. tells      C. repeats    D. cries

  45. A. before      B. after     C. and     D. but



30.  ________ the weather is like, you can always find surfers out _________ the waves in Hololulu. (改编自07学年九年级英语期初学业能力检测试题卷)

   A. No matter how, riding          B. No matter what, riding

   C. No matter how, to ride         D. No matter what, to ride


29.Could you tell me __________________________? (原创)

   A. which is the way to the liberary      B. where is the liberary   

C. How can I get to the liberary       D. Is there a liberary near here


28. .She thinks she can get there on time,______ she? (原创)

 A. can        B. does         C. doesn’t      D.  can’t

