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2. [原句]However, what I did know was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible.然而我的的确确知道,我的女朋友觉得我的烟味很难闻。

 [模仿要点] 句子结构: what 引导主语从句 + that 引导表语从句



答案:However, what I do know is that only love , care, and understanding can build up an ideal relationship between teacher and students.



答案:However, what I do believe is that only by studying hard can I catch up with the others.


1. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking


[解释] It is (high/about) time for sb. to do sth.=It is (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth.该某人做某事的时候了。


It is high time for us to say good-bye.=It is high time that we should say good-bye.到我们分别的时候了。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 现在是周六了,你该把工作放下了。


2) 我们该为自己的未来做打算了。


Keys: 1) It’s Saturday already. It’s high time for you to put down your work. 2) It’s about time that we should plan for our future.


4.     get into陷入


1) He got into the habit of smoking following his father’s example.他学他的父亲,染上了吸烟的习惯。

2) You may get into trouble, if you always tease others.如果你总是取笑别人,你会惹上麻烦的。


get over a difficulty克服困难

get over a cough咳嗽好了

get down to sth./doing sth.开始做某事

get through to you打通你的电话

get through the work完成工作


1) 当陷入麻烦时,一定要保持镇定。


2) 晚饭后,女孩开始做功课。


Key: 1) When getting in trouble, be sure to keep calm. 2) After the supper, the girl got down to her homework.

VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)


3.     in spite of 不管;尽管 


1) They kept going in spite of their fears. 他们不顾害怕继续前进。

2) In spite of the heavy rain, he came on time.尽管雨很大,他还是按时来了。


regardless of不管,不顾,尽管;后跟名词,动名词,代词,名词短语等。

despite=in spite of


[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) In spite of /despite what others said, I think he’s a very nice person. 2) They had a wonderful holiday, in spite of/despite the bad weather./ Although the weather was bad, they still had a wonderful holiday.


2.     take a risk/risks  冒险


1) I know that I am taking a risk, but it is all worthwhile.我知道我是在冒险,但这非常值得。

2) He took the risk of losing his own life and saved my life in the cold river.



at risk冒风险;处于危险中

at the risk of sth./doing sth.冒。。。的危险

risk doing冒险做。。。

at one’s own risk自担风险

[练习] 汉译英







Keys: 1) In order to search for the lost child, he risked getting caught in a storm.  2) Anyone swimming in this lake is at his own risk.  3) The war broke out, and many innocent people were at the risk of losing their live.


1.     feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 ;


I feel like drinking a cup of hot tea in the cold winter every evening.


I feel like lying on the bed and listening to the music.我喜欢躺在床上听歌.

He feels like a faithful before that learned scholar.


It feels like a snake.这摸上去像是条蛇.


would like to do sth.想要做某事

prefer to do sth.喜欢做某事

would rather do … than do…情愿做……而不愿…

prefer doing (sth.) to (doing) sth. 情愿做……而不愿…

enjoy doing sth.喜欢/乐意做某事

[练习] 汉译英

1) 他想抽根烟。


2) 这些日子我胃口不好,不想吃东西。


3) 我情愿工作到深夜完成这件事情也不愿工作没做完就休息。


Keys: 1) He feels like a cigarette. 2) I don’t have an appetite theses days and don’t feel like eating

anything. 3) I would rather finish it until late night than have a rest leaving the work unfinished.


6.     survival n.幸存


survive v.幸免于,幸存

survivor n.幸存者


1) As is known, we need food and water for survival.众所周知,为了生存我们需要食物和水。

2) The house survive the storm.经历暴风雪,房子依然没事。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 没有人能够在这次空难中幸存下来。


2) 她比她丈夫多活了十年。


3) 这种风格是上个世纪遗留下的。


Keys: 1) No one survived the air crash. 2) She survived her husband by 10 years. 3) That fashion is a

survival from last century.

V 重点词组  (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)


6.  quit (quit/quitted) vt.停止(作某事);离职


1) I am so tired that I decide to quit next month.我很累了,所以我打算下个月辞职。

2) I had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.为了能在午夜前到家,我不得不离开聚会

3) He quit smoking, and talked something to the person next to him.他停下烟,和旁边的人说着什么。


quit doing sth.(必须接名词或动名词做宾语) 除此,以下动词有类似用法suggest; practise; risk(冒险);

enjoy; escape; admit; advise; allow; appreciate; avoid; deny; mind; miss; permit; consider; forbid; finish;

prevent; keep ; delay; dislike; imagine;

[练习] 汉译英

1) 教练盯着队员并要求他们不要说话。


2) 这个贼有逃脱警察抓捕的技能。


3) 我想你别介意我写信向你求救。


Keys: 1) The coach stare at the team members and asked them to quit talking. 2) The thief has the skill of

escaping being caught by policemen. 3) I would like you not to mind me writing to you for help.


5.     accustomed  adj. 通常的


be(become/grow/get accustomed)to(doing)sth.习惯于(与get used to sth./doing sth.同义)

accustom oneself to sh./doing sth.使自己习惯于…..;养成…….的习惯


1) We were accustomed to working together.我们习惯了一起工作。

2) Having moved to the northeast of China, I had to accustom myself to the dry weather.




1) She was a person_______ ________ having eight hours’ sleep a night.

2) He took his_______ seat by the fire.

3) I’m not______ to getting up so early.

Keys: 1)accustomed to  2) accustomed  3)accustomed






Keys: 1) Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.2) The pans were in their accustomed places.

