0  374439  374447  374453  374457  374463  374465  374469  374475  374477  374483  374489  374493  374495  374499  374505  374507  374513  374517  374519  374523  374525  374529  374531  374533  374534  374535  374537  374538  374539  374541  374543  374547  374549  374553  374555  374559  374565  374567  374573  374577  374579  374583  374589  374595  374597  374603  374607  374609  374615  374619  374625  374633  447090 

17. It’s usually easy to find a room for renting in places _______ universities are located.

A. what          B. when      C. which       D. where 


16. --- I just can’t get this new lamp _______ together properly.

--- Be patient, dear, follow the instructions step by step.

A. putting      B. to put          C. put        D. being put


15. I’m quite interested in Spanish history, the civil war in Spain _______.

A. in particular   B. in common     C. in fact      D. in general    


14. She had always wanted to be a famous actress, but _______ as a newspaper editor.

A. turned up   B. brought up      C. came up      D. ended up


13. Mom, have a rest please. You _______  in the kitchen ever since you came home.

A. had worked      B. were working  C. have been working  D. would work


12. Gary graduated from Harvard, found a job and settled in New York, all _______ a month.

A. until     B. for          C. within       D. since


11. If the economic situation goes on like this, there’s a danger _______ many factories may

have to close down. 

A. when       B. that         C. whether      D. as


10. _______ you lend me a hand with the suitcase? I can’t get it closed.

A. Should       B. Shall       C. Must          D. Could


9. They carry out _______ checks on milk products to make sure that they are of high quality.

A. common     B. regular        C. natural        D. ordinary


8. I feel quite upset - my teacher _______ me when I speak English in class.

A. is always correcting           B. has always corrected

C. will always be correcting           D. always corrected

