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5. be/feel guilty of有罪;因…负疚


1) The naughty boy felt guilty of what he had done to the teacher.那调皮的男孩为他对老师所做的事情而感到内疚。

2) The child felt guilty of telling a lie and said “sorry” to his mother. 那小孩因为撒谎而内疚,并向他母亲表示歉意。


feel sorry for 同情

[练习] 汉译英

1 ) 那位总统因为他发起的战争而感到内疚并决定引咎辞职。


2) 有些人会同情穷苦人民并乐意帮助他们。


Keys: 1) The president was guilty of the war launched by himself and decided to resign.  2) Some people feel sorry for the poor and are willing to help them.


4. look forward to盼望  


1)Many senior students are looking forward to graduation due to the heavy burden.


2)The daughter is looking forward to seeing her parents after many years departure.



stick to 坚持       lead to  导致, 通向   pay a visit to 参观 

sentence sb. to 宣判某人  come to  谈到, 涉及   see to  处理,负责  

be up to 总计       devote…to 致力于    get down to 开始 /着手

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) Most people in Taiwan are looking forward to seeing the direct flight from mainland to Taiwan.

2) The driver’s carelessness led to the traffic accident.


3. be supposed to应当;认为必须 


1) You are supposed to come here early.你应该早点过来的。

2) He was supposed to have passed the driving license but failed.他本该通过驾照考试的,但失败了。

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1)She is excellent enough and supposed to win the medal for sure. 2) Young people are supposed to take the responsibility of looking after their senior.


2. have a good “nose” for sth.  探查发现某事物的能力


1) Experienced teachers often have sharp noses for students’ problem. 有经验的老师通常对学生问题很敏感。

2) As a reporter, Jane has a nose for a story. 作为记者,简善于发现题材。


have an eye for对……有鉴赏能力

have a good ear for对…会欣赏

have a gift for有…方面的天赋

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) Through the competition, the leader of the group can pick out some singers having a gift for music.

2) Being trained for many years, the girl has a good ear for different kinds of music.


1.on one’s own  独自;独立

[解释] on one’s own 意为“独自”的 同by oneself; 不同于”of one’s own” “自己的”


1)She got the job on her own.她靠自己获得了这份工作。

2)Anyone who can solve the computer problem on his own will be admitted to our working group. 任何能独立解决这个电脑问题的人可以被录取到我们这个工作组。

[练习] 汉译英







Keys: 1) Can you finish on your own? 2) He has a mind of his own. 3) He owns a big farm.


9.     intention n. 意图, 目的


1) The leader has no intention of cooperating with such a small company.领导无意与小公司合作。

2) If I've hurt your feeling, it was quite without intention. 如果我伤了你的感情那完全是无意的。


by intention故意

without intention无意中, 不是故意地

have no intention of doing ... 无意做...

[练习] 汉译英

1)    你这么做的目的是干什么?


2)    他总是故意和他妈妈找茬。


Keys: 1) What’s your intention by doing this?  2) He always argue with his mother by intention.

V 重点词组  (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)


8.     employ vt. 雇用, 用, 使用


1)    He is employed in an international company.他在一家跨国公司任职。

2)    She is good at employing her time.她善于利用时间。


in the employ of sb. =in sb.'s employ受...雇用

out of employ失业

[练习] 汉译英

1)    多次面试后,这名毕业生终于被一家国企录用了。


2)    从那时起他就花大量时间和精力在这项业余爱好上。


Keys: 1) After several interviews, the graduate managed to be employed in/ to be in employ of a state enterprise. 2) Since then he employs much time and energy to the hobby.


7.     polish  vt.擦亮;磨光;润色


1) Silver polishes easily with this special cloth. 用这块特殊的布能很容易把银擦亮。

2) When handed in, the article needs polishing.  文章交上去前得进行修改。

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) you can polish your piano technique by practicing. 2) The song was polished up again and again before being published


6.     approve vt. 赞成;称许;批准


1) Her father will never approve of her marriage to you. 他父亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。

2) Congress approved the budget. 国会批准了国家预算。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 开始他不赞成这个决定,后来被说服了。


2) 老师看了约翰的作业表示赞许。


Keys: 1)The teacher looked at John's work and approved it. 2)At first he didn't approve of the decision, but soon he was persuaded.


5.     senior  adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的n.年长者,长辈


senior staff高级职员

a senior officer高级军官

a senior high school高中

senior student高年级学生

she has a good relationship with her senior.


be senior to…比……年长

[练习] 汉译英





Keys: 1) I am two years senior to you. 2) She finally chose to marry a gentleman ten years senior to her.

