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2. They tried to paint people and nature as they really were.他们试图真实地描绘人物与自然。

[解释] as 1) conj.  (1)如,像;按照……  (2)当…时候,一面…一面…;随着… (3)因为,既然 (4)尽管

2) prep. 作为,如同


1) The work is not so easy as you imagine.这项工作并没你想象的那么容易。

2) Everything goes as I expected.事情正如我期望那样进行着。

3) As day goes by, the boy became more patient with his girlfriend.


4) They sang songs as they were doing farm work.他们一边干农活一边唱歌。

5) As he still a child, he lived in a remote village with his old granny.

他小的时候和他的祖母生活 在一个遥远的村庄里。

6) As everything is ready, let’s go.既然都准备好了,我们出发吧。

7) Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true. 。这个故事看似荒唐,却是真的

8) As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。

9) As your good friend, I had to give you the kindest advice.


[练习] 汉译英

1) 随着你年龄的增长, 你会变得更聪明。


2)  (既然)你累了, 最好休息一下。


3) 他虽然尽了最大努力, 仍不能搬动那块石头。


4) 作为一个诚实的孩子,你应该向父母说出事实.


Keys: 1)You will grow wiser As you grow older.

   2) As you are tired, you had better rest.

   3)Try As he would, he could not lift the rock. 4) As an honest child, you should tell the truth to your parents.


1. But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone

began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.


[解释] It is evident that…(很)显然… “it”在句中充当形式主语,“that”引导的主语从句为真正的主语。为了


[典例]It's evident that the plan is impracticable. 很明显这计划是不能实现的。

It was evident that the couple’s still love for each other. 很显然这对夫妇依然爱着对方。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 很显然,在警察赶到前犯罪现场经过了伪造。


2) 很明显政府正试图帮助大学生就业。


Keys: 1)It was evident that the accident spot had been counterfeited (伪造)before the traffic policeman came.

   2) It is evident that the local government is trying to help the graduates with employment.


7.      appeal to(对某人)有吸引力;向...呼吁[请求]


Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

We are appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us.



appeal to sb. for为...向某人呼吁[请求]

appeal for aid请求援助

appeal for mercy [sympathy] 请求宽恕[同情]

appeal to arms [force] 诉诸武力

[练习] 汉译英

1) 政府呼吁市民节约用水。


2) 意识到自己的错误,这个犯人请求宽恕。


Keys: 1) The government appealed to citizens for saving water.

   2) Realizing his mistakes, the criminal appealed for mercy.

VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)


6.      in consequence因此,结果


1) He got a bad cough. In consequence, he had to ask a doctor for help.

2) He had to ask a doctor for help in consequence of his bad cough.



in consequence of... 的结果, 因为...的缘故, 由于

as a consequence因而, 结果

[练习] 汉译英

1) 雨很大,结果街道变成一片汪洋。


2) 因为他付出的努力,他取得了非凡的成就。


Keys: 1) It rained heavily. As a consequence, the streets were in flood.

   2) He got a marvelous achievement in consequence of his great effort.


5.    in (the) possession of拥有(属于)


1) They are still in possession of the house, so we have to wait for another time.他们依然拥有房子的产权,所以我们还得等待一段时间。

2) The factory is in the possession of one of my friend, who moved to Australia several years ago.这家工厂是属于我一个朋友的,几年前他搬到澳洲去了。


in one’s possession由……掌握

in charge of负全责, 经管,

in the charge of由……负责,经营

take possession of占有,拥有

take charge of 负责,看管

[练习] 汉译英

1) 我管理这家公司,也就是这家公司由我管理。


2) 我所掌握的消息是严格保密的。


Keys: 1) I am in charge of the company. That is, the company is in the charge of me.

   2) The information in my possession is strictly confidential.


4.    in the flesh活着的;本人


1) In the performance, you can see your idols in the flesh.表演中,你可以亲眼看到你的偶像。

2) His appearance in the flesh ended the rumours about his death.他本人的出现打破了他人已经死去的谣言。

[练习] 汉译英

1) 当使用信用卡时,需要你的本人签名。


2) 他是活着的最受欢迎的学者。


Keys: 1) When using your credit card, you need to sign your name in the flesh.

   2) He is the most popular scholar in the flesh.


3.  on the other hand另一方面


1)    If you want to improve your ability, on the one hand, you should attend some related lectures; on the

other hand, you should learn something useful from workers around you.


1) 他决定辞职。一方面因为他厌倦了目前的工作;另方面他想换个地方。

2) 出于自尊,她拒绝了他的帮助,另方面她不想欠别人的人情。

Keys: 1) He decided to quit. On the one hand, he was tired of the present job; on the other hand, he wanted to move to another place.  2) She refused his help with dignity; on the other hand, she didn’t want to owe others.


2.  by coincidence巧合地 


1) By coincidence, we will take the same bus back home.真巧合,我们要搭同趟车回家。

2) By coincidence, his wife is one of my classmate in college.巧合的是他的妻子是我大学的一个同学。


by accident 碰巧,偶然

by chance碰巧,偶然

on purpose故意

[练习] 汉译英

1) 在北京参加会议时,我碰巧遇上多年未见的同学。

2) 退休后,一个偶然的机会他喜欢上慢跑。

Keys: 1)When I attended a meeting in Beijing, I met my old classmate never seen for long time by chance.

2)He took up jogging after his retire by accident.


1.    a great deal大量


1) Thanks a great deal for your help with our work.非常感谢你给我们工作上的帮助。

2) A great deal of money was used in rescuing the victims in wenchuan earthquake.


[短语归纳] 表示“许多,大量”

a great deal of/a good deal of/a large amount of/much/not a little可用于修饰不可数名词

a few/quite a few/a good many/a great many/a great number of可用于修饰可数名词

a lot of/a large quantity of/large quantities of/plenty of  既可修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词

[练习] 汉译英

1) 我还有许多事情需要处理。


2) 大量充足的雨水带来了丰收。


3) 许多孩子在这次可怕的事故中失去了双亲。


Keys: 1)I have a number of things to do.

2)Plenty of rain resulted in the harvest of crop.

3)Great numbers of children lost their parents in the terrible accident.


7.     predict vt.预言;预告;预测(侧重从已知的事实推断或根据自然规律断定未来的事情。


predict sth.

predict that

prediction n. 预言, 预报


1) An eclipse could be predicted in ancient days.很久以前就可以预报日(月)蚀了。

2) His teacher predicted that he could be a CEO of a company because of his intelligence and diligence.


3) Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat?他预言政府要挫败,你认为这话靠得住吗?

[练习] 汉译英

1) 观察员预测加沙地区形势最起码会持续一个月。


2) 预告明天有雨


Keys: 1)The observer predicted that the situation in Gaza will last at least a month.

   2) It predicts rain for tomorrow.

V 重点词组  (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)

