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46. bump into sb 撞到…(bump against)   knock sb down 撞倒…


45. be built of bricks 用砖砌成  build up one's body强健体魄  built up one's muscle 锻炼肌肉 built (up) one's mind 增强智力   develop one's mind 发展智力


44. browse through = leaf through   browse about(around) the book store  逛书店


43. the broad shoulders 宽的肩膀    in broad daylight 在光天化日之下

broadly speaking  从广义上讲  strictly speaking   generally speaking


42. bring about = lead to = result in = cause 引起     bright up 抚养长大   

bring forward = put forward 提出     bring sb back to health 使…恢复健康

The news brought tears to her eyes.   这消息使她热泪盈眶


41. make a brief speech   简短演讲   a brief stay     In brief  简短而言…


40. give(offer, hand out) bribes to sb  向某人行贿   take bribes受贿   bribe sb


39. out of breath  上气不接下气       short of breath  气短;气急

hold/catch one's breath 闭住呼吸  take/draw a deep breath 深呼吸 


38. break into pieces碎成碎片  break a record 打破记录   break one's promise/words食言

break the balance of    break away from除去;逃脱   turn away from 避开;不理睬 break out 爆发   break down坏了;抛锚   break into/in 破门而入  

a ten-minute break 十分钟休息    at break = at the dawn of the day 在黎明


37. bother oneself about  为…烦恼  Don’t bother yourself about making the dinner for us.

