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37. excuse sb from 免除…的责任, 对其要求  He was excused from piano practice.


36. Please excuse my interrupting you.= Please excuse me for my interrupting you.


35. make an excursion to sp 到…短途旅行       an excursion train 旅游专列


34. exchange our opinions  交换      exchange A for B 用A换B

in exchange for 作为…的交换   I gave him my favorite football in exchange for his knife.


33. speak evil of sb 讲…坏话   speak highly of sb


32. at all events , in any event (in any case)  无论如何,在任何情况下  

In any event, the worst that she can do is say “no”  


31. it is estimated that…  estimate the cost 估价    the estimated cost 估计的成本


30. Water is essential to the growth of crops.  必要的 

There is no essential difference between them. 本质上的


29. escape from  从…逃脱,逸出    escape doing

escape one’s notice / one’s attention / one’s mind  Your name escaped me. = I forgot your name.

a narrow escape  九死一生    an escaped prisoner   逃犯


28. equip sb with sth   A good education should equip you for future life.

