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8. fascinate  吸引,迷住  The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop window.

a fascinating voice  迷人的嗓音   a fascinating story

dress in the latest fashion  穿着时髦    be in fashion  在流行中   be out of fashion

follow the fashion 赶时髦


7. far more ,  far too small ,  by far the best ,  better by far ,   how far 多远

far from  远离    Your answer is far from satisfactory.


6. sth be familiar to sb  熟悉    sb be familiar with sth


5. Leaves fall from the trees.   fall on 恰逢   fall asleep 入睡    fall ill病了

fall behind 落后   fall in love with sb    When night fell, they set out.


4. have faith in 相信   Have you any faith in what he says?


3. He failed to pass the exam.   He failed in the exam.   You failed me.  你让我失望。   

My health is failing.= My health is declining.

Failure is the mother of success.  失败是成功之母。    As a writer he is a failure.


2. environmental factor  环境因素    an unknown factor    a key factor     


1. in fact  事实上    as a matter of fact


49. have an eye for  对…有鉴赏力     keep an eye on  照看    

catch one's eye   吸引…注意     in the eyes of sb 在…心目中

have a good/poor eyesight  视力


48. to the full extent of one's power 竭尽所能

to some extent/degree 到某种程度为止   To some extent, you are correct.

