0  374962  374970  374976  374980  374986  374988  374992  374998  375000  375006  375012  375016  375018  375022  375028  375030  375036  375040  375042  375046  375048  375052  375054  375056  375057  375058  375060  375061  375062  375064  375066  375070  375072  375076  375078  375082  375088  375090  375096  375100  375102  375106  375112  375118  375120  375126  375130  375132  375138  375142  375148  375156  447090 

10. height 高度  in height 在高度上 at its height最高点 The storm was at its height.(暴风雨)


9. heart  心  break one's heart  open one's heart to sb 向…说心里话 at heart  从内心来说     heart and soul 全心全意  serve the people heart and soul  learn sth by heart  把…记住

from the bottom of one's heart 衷心a heavy heart 沉重心情  He went home with a heavy heart.


8. hear from 收到…来信   hear about 听说到   hear sb say …

hear of ①听到 I heard of it long ago.  ②I won't hear of it.我不同意。


7. have on 穿   have a try 尝试   have a word with   have words with sb

have an effect on   have nothing/something to do with


6. hardly 几乎不   had hardlydone ... when ... ,  had no sooner… than…


5. happen   发生 , 碰巧  happen to sb/sth    happen to do   It so happened that...


4. hand  hand back 归还   hand in 上交   hand over = turn over 移交   hand out 散发


3. halfway  在中途   meet sb halfway 在半路接…  I have halfway decided to go.(几乎)


2. You’d better do...   might as well do...    I'd rather do...


1. habit  习惯  be in the habit of 有做…习惯  cultivate(form) a habit of   养成… 

        break sb of a habit of doing 使…改掉…习惯

