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20. I don't know how to run the machine.   怎样   How interesting the film is !  

However much advice you gave him , he does exactly what he wants.


19. honour 荣誉 show honour to sb向…表敬意 in honour of 向…表敬意(in member of 纪念)

     honour sb for doing 为…而给予鼓励  graduate with honours 以优等生毕业


18. at home and abroad 在国内外  the home market 国内市场 


17.be on holiday = be on leave = be on vacation  在度假中


16. hold  抓住   hold a baby in her arms.   hold the meeting 举行  catch hold of 抓住

  The hall can hold 8,000 students 容纳   The agreement still holds.协议仍有效。

hold one's attention 集中注意力  hold out 坚持  hold out till victory 

hold back 阻止  hold up the whole of history.阻止历史车轮   hold back one's tears

hold on 别挂断;坚持    Hold on please, everything will be all right.    


15. historical  历史的 historical events历史事件 historic  历史上著名的 historic spots 古迹


14. give sb a hint  给…一个暗示


13. hijack  劫机


12. hesitate 犹豫  hesitate to do做…犹豫     hesitate over/about doing 在…上犹豫

       hesitation    do sth without hesitatation   have no hesitatation in doing


11. help 帮助   be of help = be helpful  help out 帮助…克服困 help oneself to sth 随便吃

can't help doing 情不自禁  can't help to do 不能有助于干…  can't help but do... 不得不干…  

