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17. inevitable   不可避免的   Death is inevitable.   It seems inevitable that he will lose.


16. It depends on individuals.这取决于个人。  pay individual attention to 

an individual business man个体户   individual economy  个体经济


15. indicate 表示  The arrow indicates the direction of movement.箭头表示运动方向。

She indicated that I could leave.她示意我可以走了。


14. be independent of 不受…支配,独立于…之外, 不依赖的 be independent of outside control


13. on the increase  在增长中   increase the number   increase one's knowledge  增加


12. include  包括(have sth as a part)     Your name is included in this list.

contain  包含(have sth within itself)    The bottle can contain one pound of milk.


11. live in  lie in   be dressed in   in fear 害怕   in a hurry   in all  in no time立刻

in case万一  (in case of)   do sth in one's power = in an effort to do 尽力去做 

be in need of  in public   in return for  in charge of  in favour of   in honour of

in search of  in spite of = regardless of   in the distance 在远方  in time  in trouble

in all directions 四方   in one's twenties在…二十岁

be inaccessible to sb  对…来说达不到 

This place is inaccessible to the students.这个地方不对学生开放。


10. impress 给…深刻印象 impress sb with   impress sth on sb      

What impressed me most is she! 她给我留下印象很深impression印象make an impression on


9. imply  暗示   What does this words imply ?  I don’t imply that you are wrong.  

be of importance = be important   a man of importance = an important man


8. the impact of his father on him.  影响   have an effect on = make an impact on 对…有影响

