0  374969  374977  374983  374987  374993  374995  374999  375005  375007  375013  375019  375023  375025  375029  375035  375037  375043  375047  375049  375053  375055  375059  375061  375063  375064  375065  375067  375068  375069  375071  375073  375077  375079  375083  375085  375089  375095  375097  375103  375107  375109  375113  375119  375125  375127  375133  375137  375139  375145  375149  375155  375163  447090 

10. lead  通向;领路  lead sb by the arm 牵…的手   lead sb ( in ) doing 带领…做…    

     lead/live a happy life 过幸福生活  lead a miserable existence  过着悲惨的生活  

lead to 通向  Hard work leads to success.


9. observe (obey) the law   break the law  keep (maintain, preserve) law and order  维持治安


8. launch   发射;船下水  launch the ship from the shipyard  从船坞下水


7. the latest news  最新的


6. later 较晚的   later on 以后   three days later 三天后   in later years 在以后岁月中


5. She is the last to leave.她最后一个走。   last but not least  最后的但不是不重要的


4. You are the last people that I want to see.你是我最不想见的人.be faithful to the last 至死不渝


3. have a large population (audience, staff)   at large 逍遥自在   a tiger at large


2. lack 缺A lack of food caused her to grow weak. 

The plants died due to a complete lack of water.  though/by/from/for lack of 由…缺乏  

The flower died for lack of water.

   lack sth = be short of   lack money ,   be lacking in   He is lacking in courage.


1. labour  劳动, 劳力  The plan can saved much labour.

  They earn their living by their own labour .      a labour-saving machine

