0  374971  374979  374985  374989  374995  374997  375001  375007  375009  375015  375021  375025  375027  375031  375037  375039  375045  375049  375051  375055  375057  375061  375063  375065  375066  375067  375069  375070  375071  375073  375075  375079  375081  375085  375087  375091  375097  375099  375105  375109  375111  375115  375121  375127  375129  375135  375139  375141  375147  375151  375157  375165  447090 

30. load  装  load the gun 装弹   load a camera 装胶卷    download 下载


29. have a little knowledge/understanding of 对…了解一点    little by little 逐渐地

not a little (=very much) 不是一点点    not a bit (= not at all)  一点也不


28. listen to sb/sth    listen for 留神听  He listened for the slightest sound.


27. list  表   make a list of   a price list  价目表  on the list   Your name is on the list.

   列出    list sth = make a list of   He listed what he want to buy.


26. limit  限制 set a limit to 对…加以限制 limit your speed  age limit 年龄限制


25. likely  可能的  It's likely that sb...   sb is likely to do


24. feel like doing  想干…  look sth like 有点像  I'd like...我想要…  How do you like it?


23. live a happy life  live a simple life 过简单生活  live a single life   come to life


22. tell lies 说谎      lie in 在于  lie down  躺下  


21. licence   执照    a driving licence   We have a licence to sell beer.

