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29. be in no mood to do  没有心情干…    be in the mood to do  有心情干

be in a good mood = be in a good humour = be in high spirits = be in a good humour  有好心情


28. at any moment 任何时刻 at the moment  在这时  at the critical moment 紧急时刻  

for the moment  暂时  There seems nothing to be done for the moment.


27. modest  谦虚的   The young actress is very modest about her success.


26. in a minute 立刻    the minute = the moment 一…就   


25. minor  较次要的  a minor fault 小错误   a minor operation  小手术



24. mind  理智   She come to my mind at the moment.  我想起了她

  lose one's mind 失去理智   speak your mind out 说出想法  change one's mind 改变想法

keep/bear sth in mind (learn sth by heart)   make up one's mind to do 下定决心去做…    be of one/a mind 同心协力   be of the same mind 相同想法   Never mind .没关系。

What's on your mind?  你在想…? to one mind = in one's opinion 据…看来

  Watch out = Mind out 当心    Mind your step.走路小心。 absent-minded 心不在焉的    


23. the military training   军事训练


22. mild  温和的    a mild climate


21. mercy  慈悲  show mercy to sb         beg the mercy of sb 恳求得到宽恕 

        have mercy on 对…表同情     without mercy ~ 毫不同情


20. mention to sb that 提及  at the mention of  在提到…时  as mentioned above 如上所述  

not to mention 此外更不用说  The boy hasn’t learnt Chinese, not to mention English.

