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23. have nothing to do with 与…无关     to say nothing of 何况;更不必说    


22. take note  记笔记     a note of thanks 感谢信


21. Not at all. 别客气。    not only ... but also 不仅…而且… 

not ...but... 不是…而是   not that ... but that ... 不是(因为)…而是(因为)…


20. talk nonsense  胡说   talk business  谈正经事 

make nonsense of  搅乱  The depression made nonsense of our plan.


19. None of the students is/are ... none but 只有  They choose none but the best.他们只挑最好。       none other than 不是别人正是…   He is none other than our headmaster.


18. nod at sb 朝…点头    He nodded at me to continue. 他点头示意我继续。


17. noble  高尚的;宏伟的a man of noble birth 出生高贵的人  a noble building 宏伟的建筑


16. I have no money to buy books.   He is no artist.他算不上一个艺术家。  say no to  否认

He is no friend of mine. 他不是我朋友。   There is no denying that ... 无法否认…

It is no use/good doing ...   in no time 马上    no wonder 怪不得    no longer 不再

no doubt 无疑    I have no doubt that ...    There is no doubt that ...  

no more than 两者都不   had no sooner… than 一…就…

no  并非     It is no easy work.      We have no such luck.


15. at night   by night 利用黑夜     Have a good night . 睡好


14. nevertheless 不过;仍然  in spit of that  = nonetheless

     There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping.

