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59.(  )What’s the author’s attitude towards the action of buying the lottery tickets?

A. Supportive     B. Opposite     C. Objective     D. Enthusiastic    (  )60.What was the largest number number of the lottery jackpot in history

A.$90 million.     B.$9.6million.     C.$87million   

 D. Not mentioned in the passage.


58.How long can you use the energy to run a TV is you recycle an aluminum bottle?

A. For a half hour        B. For an hour

C. For an hour and a half     D. For three hous


Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states They wanted to buy lottery tickets. The tickets cost only $0.9 each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $90 million. That was the second largest lottery jackpot in history.

More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing .Those who Bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80.The chance of winning was one in 9.6million. But that little chance certainly didn’t affect ticket sales. In the last few days before the drawing, tickets were selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second.

Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action. Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people. In allows them to dream about wealth they’ll probably never have.

But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized gambling. Some critics note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets. There are also many addicts who take the game seriously. They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets. Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.

Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes. The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens. But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice ,under the name of social progress.

No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans.



57.The first Earth Day was celebrated     .

A. in America  B. in Britain  C. in 164 countries  D. across the world


55. We can learn from the passage      .

A. carbon taxes are difficult to carry out

B. cap-and-trade plays a greater role at present

C. cap-and-trade will be preferable in the future

D. carbon taxes will be preferable in the future


Now, Earth Daly is celebrated every year on April 22. Take some time to find out about how one man, who was determined to change the way we treated our planet, didnt stop until he had made a difference.

In 1963, Senator Gaylord Nelson wasnt happy with the earths condition. He wanted to clean up the planet and solve pollution and environmental problems. As a senator, Gaylord Nelson was someone chosen by US citizens to help make laws, so he had a lot of power. He went to John F. Kennedy, the President at the time, with his concerns. The President agreed that the planets environment was a serious issue, so president Kennedy went around the country on a five -day  tour to promote(宣传)the idea of cleaning up the planet. People began making small changes, but is wasnt enough.

A few years later, Senator Nelson decided to put one day aside every year for the cause of saving the planet. On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated;20million American demonstrators took part in Earth Day activities. Since then, Earth Day has become an international holiday. People all over the world are doing something to make the earth a cleaner, better place. Today more than 500million people in 164 countries participate(参与)in Earth Day festivities!

Then, what can you do to make a difference?

※Encourage your family to recycle on a regular basis. It is a good way to help the earth!

※Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs in your house to reduce the effects of global warming.

※Every glass bottle you recycle saves enough energy to run a TV for an hour and a half, while recycling an aluminum(铝)bottle can save enough energy to run your TV for three hours!

※Turn out the lights when you leave a room-unless someones still there!

※Use re-useable containers for your school lunches and snacks.

56.What does a senator usually do according to the passage?

A. Cleaning up the planet.    B. Solving population problems.

C. Helping make laws.     D. Talking to the President.


54.The underlined word“cap”in the second paragraph most likely refers to    .

A. limit  B. credit  C. level  D. rate


53. Carbon taxes work by     .

A. burdening well-off families

B. encouraging industries to consume carbon

C. raising the price for carbon consumption

D. limiting the carbon consumption of industries only


52. According to the cap-and-trade program, companies    .

A. are forbidden to produce carbon emissions

B. are allocated the same amount of carbon consumption

C. can sell their remaining allowance within their limits

D. can sell the extra amount of carbon at a higher price


51. The passage focuses on    .

A. programs of collecting taxes      B. systems of reducing carbon emissions

C. reasons for reducing carbon emissions  D. contradictions between the two systems


50、We can infer from the passage that David Johnson    .

A. owns several wineries in Canada

B. buys lambs from New Zealand

C. is concerned about protecting the environment

D. loves keeping lambs instead of farming


Everyone agrees that it’s necessary to reduce carbon emissions(排放物)around the world. There is less agreement over exactly how nations should go about achieving a more carbon free planet. Thus, the environmental equivalent: cap-and-trade carbon  emissions, or place a carbon tax on all users?

With cap-and-trade programs, governments limit the level of carbon produced by an industry, Companies that hold their emissions below the cap can sell their remaining allowance on a carbon market, while companies that go beyond their limit must purchase credits on that market. Carbon taxes are more straightforward:as set tax rate is placed on the consumption of carbon with the idea that raising the price will encourage industries and individuals to consume less. At the moment, cap-and=trade has the upper hand, but doesnt defeat the tax just yet.

Supporters of the tax argue that a cap-and-trade system would be too difficult to administer-and too easily gamed by industries looking to sidestep emissions caps. Cap-and-trade advocates contradict that like all other flat taxes, a carbon collection would relatively burden lower-income families, who spend a greater percentage of their income on energy than rich households.

So which system will have a larger effect on carbon consumption? A 10% carbon tax might reduce the demand for carbon about 5% or less, according to an analysis by the Carbon Tax Center, an environmental advocacy group. That may not be enough. Businesses and governments haven’t figured out how the two competing systems can work together, but in the end, the world may need both.


49、Paragraph 4 is manly about    .

A. the future of getting lambs to do the cutting

B. the worries about using organic pesticides

C. the ways to get lambs to do the cutting

D. the problems related to lambs doing the cutting

