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35.-I’m taking part in the English Speaking Contest next week.

   - _______.

     A.Come on                        B.Good luck  

     C.Congratulations                     D.Well done


34. -The water was running all night long.

  -Yes. It seemed that John ______ . He was the last one to leave the lab.

   A. was to be blamed          B. was to blame

   C. had been blamed           D. should be blamed


33. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _______ my memory.

A. to       B. with      C. over      D. on


32. After he retired from office, Rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A. took up   B. saved up    C. kept up   D. drew up


31. Mr. Smith was very disappointed to see the car he had had _____ went wrong again.

A. to be repaired   B. repaired    C. it repaired     D. it


30. Tom rushed out in a hurry, ______ the door ______.

A. leaving; unlocked          B. leaving; unlocking

C. left; unlocked            D. to leave; unlocking


29.This computer doesn’t work properly, because the operating system has      .

     A.broken up                              B.broken down

     C.broken out                             D.broken away


28.-May I book two tickets for the football match on August 8?

-Sorry, sir. But we have no tickets     

     A.spare             B.useful            C.available          D.suitable


27.The amount of money _____ for the ten provinces in southern China suffering the snowstorm was soon collected.

     A.to need         B.needing         C.needed         D.which needed


26.Come and see me whenever _______.

A.you are convenient         B. you will be convenient

C.it is convenient to you        D. it will be convenient to you

