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2. There isn’t any libraries in our school.              


1. How many classes is there in your school?            


―Good morning, Mr Wu. Where  1  you from?

―I’m from England.

  2  do you do?

―I’m  3  English teacher. I  4  in a middle school  5  there.

―Can you  6  Chinese?

―Yes,  7  . I go to Chinese classes  8  the evening.

―Good. How many students  9  in the evening school?

―About forty. They are all  10  good friends.

1.(   ) A. am     B. is     C. are     D. do

2.(   ) A. Where   B. Who    C. What    D. How

3.(   ) A. an     B. a     C. the     D. /

4.(   ) A. walk    B. come   C. work     D. have

5.(   ) A. /      B. from    C. next    D. at

6.(   ) A. live     B. speak   C. listen    D. say

7.(   ) A. very much  B. many    C. any    D. a little(一点)

8.(   ) A. in     B. on     C. at     D. to

9.(   ) A. have    B. has     C. there are  D. are there

10.(   ) A. we    B. you     C. my     D. me


10.(   ) Is this your school?         J. Fine, thank you.


9.(   ) Is there a library in the school?     I. Yes, there are.


8.(   ) Are there any boys here?       H. He is Bob.


7.(   ) How many floors are there?     G. Yes, she is.


6.(   ) Is Mrs Li a teacher?         F. Four


5.(   ) What’s your brother?        E. Yes, it is


4.(   ) Who’s the boy?          D. Yes, there is.

