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6、下列是某同学在研究性学习中使用的两幅图片。据此判断,他的研究课题是(  )

A.鸦片战争   B.甲午中日战争  C.义和团运动  D.八国联军侵华


5、下列几组通商口岸,按开放的先后顺序排列正确的一组是(   )

A.上海、南京、天津、苏州      B.宁波、天津、重庆、汉口

C.厦门、福州、沙市、镇江      D.南京、上海、苏州、杭州


4.就加强中央集权而言,科举制的作用主要体现在(  )   A.冲破了世家大族垄断仕途的局面   B.把选拔任用官员的权力集中到中央   C.扩大了各级官吏的采源       D.扩大了封建统治的社会基础


3.从下列图1到图2的变化,主要反映出(   )


图1                    图2

  A.郡县制不利于统治被逐步废除   B.中国封建君主专制达到顶峰

 C.中央对地方的控制逐渐加强    D.中央与地方之间的矛盾消除


2. 下列关于西周的“礼”、“乐”表述正确的是(  )

①通过“礼”构建的秩序,西周维护着政治安定和社会和谐 ②“礼”的建设,形成了

西周文化的主框架 ③“礼”、“乐”是西周并行的两大制度 ④“礼”、“乐”是维护等级


A.①②③   B.①②④  C.①③④   D.②③④


1.“今大道既隐,天下为家,各亲其亲,各子其子,货力为己。”文中的“大道”是指 (   )

  ①禅让制  ②世袭制  ③公有制  ④私有制

A.①③   B.②③  C.③④  D.①②


Chen Xia is in England now. She is from Canada. Her English name is Jane. She is sixteen years old. She is in Class Two. Her telephone number is 675-5426.

  She is a good student.



11. - Good morning!

- Good morning, Miss Zhang!

12. - Hi, Li Fang. This is Wang Wei.

- Hi, Wang Wei. This is Li Fang.

13. - Welcome to China!

- Thank you.

14. - See you later.

- See you.

15. - Good afternoon, Mr. Lee!

- Good afternoon, Miss Wang!


6. W: Hi, Michael! What class are you in?

W: I’m in Class Six, Grade Seven.

Q: What class is Michael in?

7. M: Hi, Jane. How old are you?

W: I’m twelve.

Q: How old is Jane?

8. M: Excuse me, what are those in English?

W: They’re cakes.

Q: Are those books?

9. M: What’s that in English?

W: It’s a car.

Q: What’s that in English?

10. M: Mrs. Black, what’s your telephone number?

W: It’s 6852-3556.

Q: What’s her telephone number?


1. How old are you?

2. What’s this in English?

3. Are these pens?

4. How do you spell it?

5. Are you in Grade Seven?

