0  376927  376935  376941  376945  376951  376953  376957  376963  376965  376971  376977  376981  376983  376987  376993  376995  377001  377005  377007  377011  377013  377017  377019  377021  377022  377023  377025  377026  377027  377029  377031  377035  377037  377041  377043  377047  377053  377055  377061  377065  377067  377071  377077  377083  377085  377091  377095  377097  377103  377107  377113  377121  447090 

2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是       (   )

A.浏览 妥贴    张慌失措 九折臂而成医

B.通谍 翔实    迭宕起伏 不敢越雷池一步

C.厮杀 驰缓    蜂拥而入 业精于勤,荒于嬉

D.详和 鲠直    两全齐美 万事具备,只欠东风


1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都相同的一项是  ( ) 

A.刑 杯 入为出 质并重 

B.沙     碧    江如练    清事实 

C.赠    乏    功亏一     振聋发 

D.空    距    不容发     亲密无 


35. Energy drinks are not allowed ____ in Australia but are brought in from New


A. to make  B. to be made  C. to have been made  D. to be making


34. ----Look,Mr.Hu is on the other side of the street.

  ----It____ be him.He has gone to Lanzhou.

A. mustn't  B. can't   C.wouldn't  D. couldn't  


33. The naughty boy who _____ in bed ____ to his parents, saying that he was ill and  couldn’t go to school.

A. lied; lied  B. lay; lied  C. lay; laid   D. laid; lied

