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1. There is no need to debate any more about why different words are used to describe the four countries.


[解释]There is no need to do没有必要做某事

There is no doubt that ……是毫无疑问的


1) 我们有必要再去那一趟吗?


2) 没必要给他写封信告知这个消息.



1) Is there any need for us to go there again?

2) There is no need to write to him and inform him the news.


3. leave out省去,遗漏


1) You have left out the most important word in this sentence.


2) Don't leave me out when you invite people to your party.



leave for 动身到(某处)

leave alone不管;撇下…一个人

leave aside搁置

leave behind遗忘;遗留


1) They were left ______ in the wilderness.

2) He was asked to make up the information left ______ by the leader.

Keys: 1) alone 2)  out

VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)


2. break down损坏,跨,压倒,分解


1) The bridge broke down.桥塌了。

2) The engine broke down.发动机坏了。

3) He has broken down from overwork.他因工作过度而累垮了。

4) Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.水可以分解为氢和氧。

5) The plan to build another chemical work has broken down because it will cause serious pollution.再建一个化工厂的计划失败了,因为这将引起严重的污染。


break away from摆脱,脱离

break in闯入;插话

break into闯入;破门而人;打断(谈话)

break off中止;折断;打折

break out爆发;突然发生

break through突破;冲垮

break up分解;(使)结束;分开,分离


1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it ___________ into pieces.

2) The elevator broke _______.

3) Fighting broke_______ in the prison cells.

4)Fire broke _______during the night.

5) On the way to the prison house, the prisoners suddenly broke _______ from the policeman.

Keys: 1) down  2) down  3) out  4) out  5) away


1.take the place of代替,取代


1) In the future, natural gas will take the place of petrol as the major fuel.将来天然气会代替汽油成为主要的能源。

2) I’ll take the place of Mr.Lin next week.=I’ll take Mr.Lin's place next week.



take place发生;举行

take one's place就位;代替某人

in place of (= instead of)代替

in place在适当的位置

out of place不得其所,不适当地

in the first place首先

from place to place到处;各处

[练习] 选择以上短语填空

1) A sudden accident _______ in the street last evening.  

2)She likes everything _______ before she starts to work.She hates a mess.

Keys: 1)took place  2)in place


7.  delight n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦v. (使)高兴, (使)欣喜


1)    Sometimes an old movie can still delight the people who have a sweet memory for the old days.有时一部旧片仍能给怀念旧时光的人们带来喜悦。

2)    The movie Xi Yangyang & Hui Tailang gave delight to millions of children. 电影《喜羊羊与灰太郎》使千万小朋友获得乐趣。


take/find/have delight in喜爱, 以...为乐

to sb.'s delight令人高兴的是...

delight in 嗜好


1)    他的表演使观众感到满意。

2)    唱歌是她的主要爱好。

3)    年轻人喜欢旅行。

Keys: 1) He delighted the audience with his performance. 2) Singing is her chief delight. 3) The young delight in /take delight/ in travels

V 重点词组  (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)


6.     arrange v.安排, 排列, 协商


1) The child was required to arrange his shoes in a neat row by his parents.


2) He was arranged by his family to marry a girl of his own class 他家里安排他娶一个门当户对的女孩。


arrange for安排, 准备

arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事


1)    你得在会议开始前把书架上的书整理好。


Keys: 1) You should finish arranging the books on the shelves before the meeting. 2) They are arranging for a big wedding secretly.


5.     available adj.可用到的, 可利用的,有空的,


1) Attention,please.These tickets are available on the day of issue only.





We regret to inform you that there are no tickets ______ for Friday’s performance.

A. available  B. spare  C. convenient  D. affordable

[解析] 根据句意“我们很遗憾地通知你星期五的演出票没有了”。可知available “可提供的,可得到的”,常作后置定语。答案:A。


1) 这里没有这本书。




Keys: 1) This book is not available here. 2) In the busy place, no car parking is available for use.


4.     influence n.& vt.影响, 感化, 势力, 有影响的人(或事)


1) What influenced you to do it?是什么感染了你要这么做?

2) Don’t be influenced by him; you should hold your own decision.别被他影响了你,你该有你自己的决定。


have influence on/with…对……产生影响

under the influence of 在......的影响下






Keys: 1) What parents do always has influence on their children. 2) The president changed his idea under the influence of the senate.


3.     convenience n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具


1) We bought this house for its convenience.我们买下这所房子是为了方便。

2) Please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候来。

3) Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides.



inconvenience n.  不方便

convenient adj.  便利的,适宜的

at one's convenience在某人方便的时候

for one's convenience(of)为了某人的方便

for convenience's sake为了方便起见

make a convenience of …利用


1) 如果方便就来看看我。


2) 你方便明天开始工作吗?


Keys: 1)Come and see me if it is convenient to you.2) Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow?


2.     clarify v.澄清, 阐明


1)---Could you clarify the first point please? 请你澄清第一个要点,好吗?

---I don’t understand it completely,either.我也并不完全理解。

2) His mind suddenly clarified. 他的脑子突然清醒过来。

[练习] 翻译句子





Keys: 1)She wrote a letter to clarify her intentions. 2) clarify one's position

