0  377914  377922  377928  377932  377938  377940  377944  377950  377952  377958  377964  377968  377970  377974  377980  377982  377988  377992  377994  377998  378000  378004  378006  378008  378009  378010  378012  378013  378014  378016  378018  378022  378024  378028  378030  378034  378040  378042  378048  378052  378054  378058  378064  378070  378072  378078  378082  378084  378090  378094  378100  378108  447090 

35. Don’t be upset. _______ things as they are and you will enjoy every minute of your life.

  A. Taking      B. Take         C. Consider      D. Considering


34. The speech given by Primer Wen Jiabao showed ______ broad knowledge he has.

  A. what      B. that         C. how        D. which


33. --- How to end the conflict in Israel?

  --- In my view, each side needs to ______ their differences and continues the peace talks.

  A. put away     B. put in        C. put aside      D. put off


32. --- Tommy has just won the first prize in the oral English competition.

  --- ______ he was so excited this afternoon.

  A. No wonder    B. It is happy that    C. It is clear that    D. No strange 


31. ______ the new life in Paris, I live happily with my daughter’s family.

A. Be used to               B. Accustomed to  

C. Accustoming to             D. Having used to


30. ______ vegetable oils are better than animal oils.

A. As a result    B. As a rule      C. As a consequence  D. As for


29. Where to hold the 2012 Olympic Games was a subject ______ the Olympic Committee argued for a long time, and finally they voted for London.

  A. of which     B. with which     C. about which    D. into which


28. --- I will come to your lecture at 10:00 am tomorrow.

  --- I’m sorry. By then my lecture will have ended and I ______ my guests in my office.

  A. am being met             B. will meet

C. will be meeting             D. will have met

