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5. direct vt.&vi.导演,指示,指挥 adj.直的,直接的,直率的  adv.径直地


1). Can you direct me (to the station)? 你告诉我(到车站)怎麽走好吗?

2). She has a direct way of speaking. 她说话直爽。

[重点用法] direct 短语:

direct...at/towards sb./sth. 把……指向某人/事        direct sb. to a place 指引某人到某处 

direct sb. to do sth. 指示/命令某人做某事 

direct (that) sb./sth. (should) do/be done 指示/命令某人/事做/被做……

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。

1). He was directed _______ (介词) a table beside the window.

2). The judge directed that the mother _______ (give) custody of the children.

3). There was a police officer _______ (direct) the traffic.

Keys: 1). to  2). be given   3). directing


4. convince vt. 使信服;使确信  convincing adj. 令人信服的


1). We convinced him to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机去。

2). How can I convince you (of her honesty)? 我怎样才能使你相信(她很诚实)呢?


convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事             convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事

convince sb. that 使某人相信                be convinced of / that坚信……;确信……

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。

1). What she said _______ (convince) me that I was mistaken. 

2). I soon convinced him ______ (介词) my innocence.

3). What convinced you _______ (vote) for them?

4). I’m ________ (convince) that he is guilty.

5). That was the most _______ (convince) I had ever heard.

Keys: 1). convinced   2). of   3). to vote   4). convinced   5). convincing


3. entertain vt.使欢乐;款待  entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的  entertainment n. 娱乐;款待


1). Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night. 昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们。

2). Could you entertain the children for an hour, while I make supper? 我做晚饭时, 你能哄孩子们玩一个小时吗?


entertain sb. with sth./by doing sth. 用某物/通过做某事使某人欢乐

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。

1). He entertained us for hours ________ (介词) his stories and jokes.

2). He fell in the water, much to the _________ (entertain) of the children.

3). We hired a magician to keep the children _________ (entertain).

Keys: 1). with   2). entertainment   3). entertained


2. astonish vt. 使惊诧;使吃惊  astonishing adj.令人惊讶的    astonished adj. 感到惊讶的 


1). The news astonished everybody. 这个消息令大家惊讶。

2). I was astonished at/to hear the loud sound. 我被那些巨大的声响吓了一跳。


be astonished at/by sth. 因/被……感到惊讶           be astonished to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶

It astonishes sb. that 令某人惊讶的是                be astonished that 对感到惊讶

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词。

1). It astonished me ______ no one has thought of this before.

2). We were _______ (astonish) that he appeared at the party.

3). I find _______ quite _______ (astonish) that none of you like the play.

Keys: 1). that   2). astonished   3). it; astonishing  


1. content vt. (使)满足;满意  n.[u]满足;书的内容目录;容器里的东西 adj.感到满足的


1). As there’ s no cream, we’ ll have to content ourselves with black coffee. 既然没有奶油, 我们只好喝清咖啡算了。

2). He is content to remain where he is now. 他安於现状。


content oneself with sth. 满足或满意於某事物     be/feel content with 对……感到满足  

be content to do sth. 愿意做某事                to one’ s heart’ s content 尽情地;心满意足地

[练习] 根据句子的要求在括号里填入适当的词或翻译。

1). Simple praise is enough to ______ him.

2). I like the style of the book but I don’t like the ______.

3). She _______ _______ _______ (感到非常满足) stay at home looking after her children.

Keys: 1). content    2). content   3). is/was content to 


III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)

1. humour n. 幽默,诙谐
humorous adj.幽默的,诙谐的
2. fortune n.(大量) 财产,
fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的
fortunately adv.幸运地,幸亏
3. bore vt. 使厌烦;n. 令人
bored adj.感到无趣的或单调的
boring adj.令人厌烦的,乏味的
4. mouth n. 嘴,口
mouthful n.一口;少量
5. direct adj.直接的;坦率
direction n.方向[pl.]说明书;指引;指导
director n.指导者,主管;董事;导演
6. explain v. 讲解,解释
explanation n.解释,说明,阐述
1). ________ (fortune), the drowning child was saved.
2). He gave a ________ (humor) account of their trip to Spain first.
3). Tom went off in one ________ (direct) and Harry in another.
4). He now felt ready to take on the role of ________ (direct).
5). The earthquake left thousands of people ________ (home).
6). I’ m stuffed. I couldn’ t eat another ________ (mouth).
7). Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their ________ (bore) or difficult work is unnoticed.
8). There is no convincing ________ (explain) of the overall structure of the universe.
Keys: 1). Fortunately   2). humorous     3). direction   4). director
5). homeless     6). mouthful    7). boring    8). explanation

IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)



1. especially / specially / particularly    2. common / usual / ordinary
3. convince / persuade
1. humour n. 幽默,诙谐
humorous adj. 幽默的,诙谐的
2. fortune n.(大量) 财产,
fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的
fortunately adv.幸运地,幸亏
3. bore vt. 使厌烦;n. 令人
bored adj.感到无趣的或单调的
boring adj.令人厌烦的,乏味的
4. mouth n. 嘴,口
mouthful n.一口;少量
5. direct adj.直接的;坦率的 adv.直接地 vt.对准;指导
direction n.方向[pl.]说明书;指引;指导
director n.指导者,主管;董事;导演
6. explain v. 讲解,解释
explanation n.解释,说明,阐述
1. content vt. (使)满足;满意 n.[u]满足;内容;目录;adj.感到满足的 
2. astonish vt. 使吃惊 
3. entertain vt. 使欢乐;款待
4. convince vt. 使信服;使确信
5. direct vt.&vi.导演,指示,指挥 adj.直的,直接的,直率的 adv.径直地
6. whisper v.&n. 耳语;私语;密谈
1. badly off 过得很差;穷的;缺少的[做表语或定语]
2. pick out 挑出;辨别出
3. cut off 切断(供应等);断绝(联系等)
4. star in 在……主演;担任主角
1. Not that Charlie’ s own life was easy!
2. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.
V-ing 的基本用法(见语法部分)

II 词语辨析  (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)

1. specially / especially / particularly
specially = on purpose故意地;专门地 (不是为了别的,而只是为了某一目的而专门采用
的某种方式。如:I came here specially to see you. 我特地到这儿来看你。
especially = particularly = in particular = in especial特别地;尤其是;特别是,通常用来对
他,与众不同”,在介词或连词前用得较多。如:I like Harbin, especially in summer. 我喜
1). I like my hometown, _______ in spring.
2). These shoes were _______ made for you.
3). A committee has been _______ appointed to look into the matter.
4). We did very well in this exam, _______ our monitor.
Key: 1). especially/particularly  2). specially  3). specially  4). especially
2. common / usual / ordinary
1). He arrived later than _______.
2). Rabbits and foxes are _______ in Britain.
3). Tom Sawyer was a/an _______ American boy who kept getting into trouble.
4). Our _______ workday is eight hours.
5). He’ s not an officer, but a/an ________ soldier.
Key: 1). usual  2). common  3). ordinary  4). ordinary   5). common/ ordinary
3. convince / persuade
convince “说服”,着重理智方面的“辩论,证明”。
persuade “说服”,着重情感上的“劝告”或“说服某人做/不做某事”。
1). He _______ me that I should study law.
2). He _______ me not to stay.
3). The officials were eager to _______ us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.
4). I _______ (convince) I saw you there, but it must have been someone else.
5). How can we persuade him into _______ (join) us?
Key: 1). convinced 2). convinced/persuaded 3). convince  4). was convinced  5). joining



第十三单元  糖类  油脂  蛋白质


第十二单元 烃的衍生物



