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Ⅰ第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)

21. According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, _____ giant panda, is in_____ danger of dying out.

  A. the;/      B. the; a     C. a; a     D. /; the

22. ---What did your mother say on the phone just now?

  --- She asked me _____ I was getting on well with my new classmates.

  A. that      B. if       C. how     D. what

23. Though he is busy, he is very _____ and makes a telephone call to his parents from time to time and tries his best to spare some time to visit them.

   A. constant    B. considerate   C. considerable  D. conscious.

24. He is on his way to becoming a world-famous pianist. But can you imagine him ____ so many kinds of hardships?

  A. goes through    B. go through   C. going through     D. went through

25. _______ advantages and disadvantages, Mr. Smith decided to leave the company and go to the west to try his fortune.

  A. Having compared    B. Having balanced   C. Having observed    D. Having examined

26. It’s said that this is the first time the painting_____ to the public, which attracts many people.

  A. were displayed     B. are displayed   C. has displayed      D. has been displayed

27. To reduce the pressure of traffic in our city, the government _____ banning cars in the city centre.

  A. approaches      B. advocates      C. assists          D. agrees

28. –Should I keep what we talked about just now secret from Sofia?

  --She is our close friend, and deserves ____ the truth.

  A. knowing       B. know        C. to know         D. to be known

29. In my opinion, both teachers and parents should ____ the students from playing computer games so much, which affects their studies and health.

  A. benefit        B. protect        C. discourage        D. encourage 

30. We all suggest that she _____ at the weekend, because her pale face suggests that she _____ in bad condition.

  A. does not work; is    B. cannot work; was    C. not worked; was     D. not work; is

31. _____ no spare parts, the equipment could not be repaired at once.

  A. There being      B. There having      C. Being         D. There was 

32. ____ has been proved again and again that ____ is said in the ads greatly affects people’s impression of the products.

  A. There; what      B. There; that       C. It; which         D. It; what

33. Not until Betty got to the airport _____ she had lost her tickets.

  A. that she realized    B. did she realize     C. where she realized    D. she realized

34. When you communicate with people, it is not unusual to find yourself in a situation ____ you have to politely decline an offer.

  A. where         B. which         C. what          D. why

35. – Do you know William failed the exam, Jenny?

  -- _____? As far as I know, he is always working hard.

  A. So what       B. How come       C. Why not        D. What for

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

  I just came home from visiting my 90-year-old grandpa after his heart surgery. We talked and laughed and before I left he __36__me, told me that he loved me and told me not to be_37_ if he died because he had loved his life.

  When my mom was in hospital due to breast cancer, I went to _38_ her. She wasn’t in her _39_. When I headed for the Nurses Station to _40_ her, I saw her coming down the hall. “ Mom, why are you out of bed? Where have you been?” She _41_ and said she’d been to the nursery floor to visit the babies.

  My lifelong friend almost lost her 50-year-old husband to cancer._42_, she did her full-time job at the hospital and two other jobs to _43_ losing their house. She continued to laugh, love and find_44_ every single day in life.

  And on and on---------

  Maybe that’s part of why I have a positive _45_. I’m really lucky to know so many _46_ people. I’ve known so many people in my life who have _47_ the difficulties and the horrors of life with grace, humor and _48_.

  When you say life isn’t worth _49_, when you say you want to die, when _50_ you know has used you, abused you, _51_ you, hated you, it’s you, your _52_ that have created a life for yourself that you don’t feel is worth living and a life no one else wants to live with you. I don’t feel_53_ for you. I don’t care about you. You’re a coward(懦夫). _54_, you should try to change things, move _55_ and learn something from the things you have experienced. Then maybe someone will really care about you.

  36. A. drew         B. pulled         C. hugged           D. showed

  37. A. frightened       B. sad          C. nervous           D. astonished

  38. A. support        B. visit        C. encourage          D. invite

  39. A. bed         B. office           C. house           D. chair

  40. A. hold        B. remind        C. scold            D. find

  41. A. sighed        B. smiled       C. nodded           D. cried

  42. A. Fortunately      B.Gradually        C. Unbelievably         D. Actually

  43. A. avoid         B. stop        C. risk            D. forget

  44. A. work         B. advice       C. surprise           D. joy

  45. A. attitude       B. reply       C. demand          D. belief

  46. A. romantic       B. humorous     C. optimistic         D. careful

  47. A. lived for       B. shown off     C. looked for         D. gone through

  48. A. strength       B. courage        C. feelings          D. spirits

  49. A. living         B. fighting        C. losing           D. noticing

  50. A. someone       B. nobody      C. everyone          D. everything

  51. A. left         B. envied        C. educated          D. appreciated

  52. A. selfishness      B. bravery        C. behavior          D. honesty

  53. A. proud        B. sorry         C. excited          D. happy

  54. A. Otherwise      B. Besides        C. However          D. Instead

  55. A. downward     B. backward         C. leftward         D. forward 


1.    What does the man want to drink?

A. Coffee.         B. Water.       C. Coca Cola.

2. What is the relationship between the speakers?

 A. They are neighbors.     B. They are friends.   C. They are strangers.

3. How did the woman feel about the test?

  A. She thought it was extremely difficult.        B. She thought it was OK.     

C. She thought composition tests were boring.

4. Where is the man going?

  A. A post office.       B. A school.       C. A bank.

5. What does the woman mean?

 A. She wants the man to bring another chair.       B. There will be a short wait.    

C. His appointment is for another time.


6. What has Tom been doing?

  A. Going round.       B. Looking for a job.

 C. Working for an advertisement company.

7. Where does the girl work?

  A. She works in an advertisement company.      B. She works together with the boy. 

 C. She works in a factory.

8. Why does Tom say he was lucky to meet the girl?

  A. Because she provides him a job.   

B. Because she provides him a good chance to get the job. 

C. Because she knows the boss very well.


9. What do you think the woman probably is?

  A. A visitor.          B. A secretary.           C. A doctor.

10. How many times has Mr. Wilson been to Beijing?

  A. Once.           B. Twice.             C.  Three times.

11. When does this talk happen?

  A. In spring.         B. In summer.           C. In autumn.


12. Why does the woman prefer an old but big house?

  A. Old houses are more comfortable.    B. There’re many people in her family.    

C. She prefers to live in a house of this kind.

13. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. At the airport.        B. In a train station.        C. At a bus stop.

14. What do we know about the woman?

  A. She doesn’t like cleaning very much.   B. She’ll buy a house near Central Park.   

C. She has spent a long time looking for a house.


15. What did the woman think of the new hall of the museum?

  A. She was impressed by it.     B. It was a waste of money.

C. She was amazed it had opened so soon.

16. How did the man learn about the museum?

  A. He took a tour of the city.  B. He read about it.     C. He wrote an article about it.

17. What was the problem with the original material?

  A. It was made of plastic,    B. It wasn’t large enough.   C. It was too heavy to put up.


18. According to the writer, what is the strangest collection?

  A. The collection of stamps.  B. The collection of records.    C. The collection of clocks.

19. How many clocks does Mr. Clock have altogether?

  A. 1,500.            B. 1,050.             C. 500.

20. Which of the following is NOT the reason why Mrs. Clock doesn’t like the collection?

A. She has to set all the clocks every day.       B. All of the clocks make a lot of noise.

C. She does not know the exact time.


















11.(6分)用如图所示的装置可以测量汽车在水平路面上做匀加速直线运动的加速度.该装置是在矩形箱子的前、后壁上各安装一个压力传感器.用两根相同的轻弹簧夹着一个质量为2.0 kg可无摩擦滑动的滑块,两弹簧的另一端分别压在传感器ab上,其压力大小可直接从传感器的液晶显示屏上读出.现将装置沿运动方向固定在汽车上,传感器b在前,传感器a在后.汽车静止时,传感器ab的示数均为 10 N(取g=10 m/s2).

(1)若某次测量时,传感器a的示数为 14 N、b的示数

为6.0 N,则汽车做____  __运动(填“加速”或








B相对于A静止,则下滑过程中        (   )

   A. B的加速度为g sinθ        B.绳的拉力为Gcosθ

   C.绳的方向保持竖直          D.绳的拉力为G

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题  共60分)


9.在汽车中悬线上挂一小球。实验表明,当小球做匀变速直线运动时,悬线将与竖直方向成某一固定角度。如图所示,若在汽车底板上还有一个跟其相对静止的物体M,则关于汽车的运动情况和物体M的受力情况正确的是              (   )






