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29.It is reported that the underground system    in Changsha now will be open in 2015.

   A.is being built          B.built      C.being built   D.is built


28.-Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

   -Great! You     read widely and put a lot of work into it.

   A.must     B.should      C.must have    D.should have


27.-Why didn’t you go out to meet the new forging teacher?

-I would have, but I     the spelling mistakes in my homework.

   A.corrected   B.was correcting  C.had corrected  D.would correct


26.Joining us in the studio    Rose from the Cannes, and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival.

   A.is      B.are        C.has       D.have


25.      by the success of his friend, hw was bent on seeking his fortune in busy cities.

   A.Being encouraged         B.To be encouraged

   C.Having encouraged         D.Encouraged


24.-Could you tell the timetable of the school bus?

-Well, the bus    here for the campus at 7:00 a.m.

   A.will leave  B.left       C.is leaving   D.leaves


23.It’s difficult to calculate     its price would be if the museum wanted to sell the ancient vase.

   A.how many     B.what      C.how       D.whose


22.Rarely      so much media attention, for the performance has left the audience breathless with excitement.

   A.has an opera attracted      B.an opera has attracted

   C.is an opera attracted       D.an opera is attracted


21.It was the skills that he had acquired at his training period     enabled him to get such a high post in that world-famous company.

   A.when     B.that       C.who       D.which


15.Which of the following is TRUE?

   A.The woman failed a course last term.

   B.It’s the first time the man has taken the class.

   C.The man got there one hour earlier than normal.

SECTION B(5 marks)

   Directions: In this section, you will hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and them fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You will hear the mini-talk TWICE.

An Accident

Number information
16    morning
A tour bus slid off a highway exit
4 children
More than 30 people
5 teachers and 18    
On the overnight trip to 19   
36 people
Treated in 20    


SECTION A (7.5 marks)

   Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. chose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

