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3. The writer is a _____ of Italy, but he grew up in America.

 A. national    B. nation     C. native      D. nationally


2. Tom Hanks told his friend that he _____ born in 1986.

  A. was     B. had been    C. is        D. has been


第一节 单选(20分)

1. You have said _____.

  A. too many   B. many too    C. too much    D. much too


第四节 单句改错(8分)

每句有且仅有一处错误,或错一词,或多一词,或少一词。如本句错一词, 在其下边划一条横线,并在横线下写出正确答案;如本句多一词,在多词上划斜线﹨;如本句缺一词,在缺词处划∧,并在其下方写出正确答案。


36. More than one student are interested in playing computer games.

37. I must get my homework do before the holiday is over.

38. The doctors devoted themselves to find a better medicine.

39. The number of the tigers have increased by 10% this year in this area.

40. Sarah came up a good idea at the meeting.

41. I have some difficulty in speaking and write.

42. They request that the visitors would not touch the exhibits(展品).

43. What a fun it will be when we go hiking together.


第三节 汉译英(10分)




34. 父母在孩子的教育中起重要的作用。



第二节 根据课文原文内容填空 (首字母已在答题纸上给出)(10分)

I  11  if it is because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I have grown so  12  about everything to do with  13 . I can  14  remember that there was a time  15  a deep blue sky, the song of the birds,  16  and flowers could never have  17  me spellbound. That’s  18  since I came here.

For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed  19  on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good  20  at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave  21  too much light, I didn’t  22  open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be  23  at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be  24 . The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the  25  clouds held me entirely in their  26 ; it was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face…

27  ... I am only able to look at nature through  28  curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no  29  looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be  30 .


第一节   单词拼写 (根据首字母或汉语提示)(10分)

1. She speaks English with an American a_____.

2. John had lost his _____ card and was being questioned by the police. (身份)

3. The v_____ across the sea was rather smooth.

4. I _____ (同意) with what you have said just now.

5. The ten most _____ (频繁) asked questions are listed below.

6. Not having seen him for so long, I hardly r_____ him that day.

7. We were all very _____ (累) from such a long walk.

8. You can use your e_____ to get rid of pencil marks.

9. Spanish is the country’s o_____language.

10. In summer, when a thunderstorm comes up, there is always ______ (闪电).


13.某兴趣小组的同学们在做“用打点计时器测速度”的实验中,打出的一条纸带如图所示,图中直尺的单位为cm,点O为纸带上记录到的第一点,点ABCD……依次表示点O以后连续的各点,各点到O点的距离分别为X1、X2 、X3、X4 、X5、X6、X7、X8 ,已知所用电源的频率为50HZ ,每两个相邻点的时间间隔为T.





12.如图所示, 小球沿足够长的斜面向上做匀减速运动, 依次经abcd到达最高点e. 已知ab=bd=6m, bc=1m, 小球从ac和从cd 所用的时间都是2s, 设小球经bc时的速度分别为vbvc, 则 

A.vb       B. vc=3m/s 

C. de=3m         D. 从de所用时间为4s




