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32.The old man took a cup of tea, and went on___ his story.

    A.towards       B.to            C.for           D.with


31.Only after you finish your work _____ TV.

    A.you are allowed to watch           B.are you allowed watching

    C.are you allowed to watch           D.can you be able to watch


30.We had thought nobody would survive in the air crash, but much to our surprise, everything_____ well.

    A.turned out      B.turned on      C.turned over   D.turned to


29.She can’t _____ being kept waiting.

    A.allow         B.permitted      C.stand         D.forbade


28.I would rather Tom _____ the meeting instead of Mr Smith.

    A.attends         B.attended        C.attending       D.to attend


27.The film _____ him of what he had seen in China.

    A.remembered     B.made          C.reminded       D.learned


26.Her husband is so _______ to smoking that he can’t give it up.

   A.addicting       B.addictive       C.addicted       D.addiction


25.It’s high time that he settled down in the city and ______ a new life.

   A.start          B.started        C.to start        D.starting


24._____ is announced in today’s paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems according to the new theory.

   A.It            B.That          C.What         D.As


23.Don’t be too _____ about things you are not supposed to know.

A.strange        B.amusing       C.curious        D.conscious

